by SMF | Nov 11, 2019 | meditation, Mind Game 2, Mind's mechanics, mood improvement, motivation, Nootropics
Digital_NZT-48_upto20, made with Silent Bliss Nature Tree upon this one Audio Spell: Perfected NTZ-48: negative side-effects. Please use it wisely. The following “x” power/strength versions are...
by SMF | Nov 10, 2019 | endorphins, Healing, Increasing Brain Capacity, Manifestation, speed learning, success
SuperBrainPowerMP3AT_upto20,000x made with Slient Bliss Nature Tree and upon this one Audio Spell: 118. Super Brain Power -healthy increase of (chemistry of brain) dopamine, endorphins, Gaba, Oxycontin, serotonin to supports to brain and a neurotransmitter balance for...
by SMF | Jul 2, 2018 | protection, zen mind
Super Brain and Invisibility This mp3 package is at the same time for listening as using as audio talismans. There are following 10 Audio Spells / Energies which indicate for what these mp3s are: Zen Mind Yahweh Protection YHWH Wisdom Budda Mind / Super Psychic...