Inner Game Volume One
made with Bliss Engine v.6
While there was so much mp3s for Women Approach Me – this is the first mp3 that treat this topic on much more deep level. Why women decide to approach man? Exactly because of his inner-mind-set. This mp3 is the 1st one which re-build the inner game and as effect women will tend to approach you.
That’s not all. There is also pleasure of winning inner game with people in general. It also add more charisma and more deep inside self-confidence. Ability to track the inner-world and see the synchronizations of it in outer world.
Of course there are some suggestions to making women approach you – enhaced by audio spells. It’s like the art, the inner game seduction. Pick up yourself and let women seduce you.
Audio Spells:
- Women Approach Me – Inner Game Seduction I, II, II
- Orgasmic Healing
- Transmutation (Negative into Positive)
- True Acceptance
- Extreme Attraction
- 5th Venus
- 3rd Venus
- Power Male Erotic
- Project Strenght
- Project Security
- Thrillingly Romantic
35 Affirmations and suggestions set on developing rock-solid inner game and deep self-confidence/acceptance.
Be aware – there is strong Copyright Energy encoded into each Mp3 – after you order any of these Audio Talismans – only your blood-relatives can use these AT2 legally. To make it clear: each product is preprogrammed to be positively active for the individual = single person only who own it on a legal way, i.e. via buying;
consequently – it is completely useless for all other “second hand” users, resellers, distributors, etc;
moreover, the preprogramming applied proceeds on a level inaccesible to manipulation/hacking”.
Products presented at this website works well for people who are sensitive to energy and those less sensitive. No guarantee for those completely not sensitive. You can check your sensitivity in help of this article:
All „’” products contains experimental frequencies and energies, no statements about these products posted here are evaluated by FDA. None of the Seductionmagicflow's products, files are intended to „diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is your responsibility to access the viability of alternative treatment processes by research and experimentation.