I can set for you general healing spell – duration is 1,5 month. Its for improving general condition and creating anit-aging effect.
The spell is very subtle, it take 30 days for change your mind – the additional 0,5 month is for bond the effects.
Spell cost is $29.
Spell is available for 8 users.
- your photo
- you must be active user at Tinypass with period of at least 2 months and own two mp3s or ATs (within the Tinypass)
Those who do not have active account at Tinypass and don’t have at least 2 mp3s in their Tinypass account will be ignored.
Products presented at this website works well for people who are sensitive to energy and those less sensitive. No guarantee for those completely not sensitive. You can check your sensitivity in help of this article:
All „https://seductionmagicflow.com’” products contains experimental frequencies and energies, no statements about these products posted here are evaluated by FDA. None of the Seductionmagicflow's products, files are intended to „diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is your responsibility to access the viability of alternative treatment processes by research and experimentation.