Order of Domination V3
There are three versions:
1). V3a—it has 33 energies and is made with Attraction Engine V1 (which has 3 energies: Zepar, Extreme Attraction, Seduction Z(women approach)). This version does not include as audio spell Goetic energies—but that Attraction Engine has it.
2). V3b includes all 33 energies as V3a, but also includes six Goetic energies.
3). V3c – does not include any Goetic energies and is set for maximum charisma.
Ad.1): Order of Domination V3a (it is for listening)
33 Audio spells in V3a version are:
- Change Mind
- Transmutation (negative into positive)
- Timeline (control time and own space)
- Liquid Confidence with women
- Zen Mind
- Total Balance
- Female Succubus (bond power of this mp3)
- Focus on priorities
- Trauma Removal
- Titanic Health (easily escape from comfort zone for better health)
- Self Control
- No guilt. no shame
- No fear with women
- Destroy fear
- Bottle emotions, no emotional storms
- Destroy Naive
- Remove negative and limiting beliefs
- Find life’s goal/s
- Legendary attention
- YVHW Wisdom
- YVHW No fear about say NO
- Mental Game
- YVHW Heal Heart
- YVHW Budda Mind
- Focus Ferocity
- Eradicate Nonsense
- Ultra Dominance and Self-Confidence
- Cocky Satyr
- Burn out negative Fetishes
- Alcohol Replacement / Drunk self-confidence
- Inner Health
- True Empower
- Destroy Hesitation
Instead of affirming something—there is used a technique to remove the mind’s beliefs, and it goes like that:
- [before each there is phrase: I remove/delete this from mind]:
- feeling of weakness, vulnerability, naivety
- weak will, disappearance of individuality, sense of helplessness
- the energies and suggestions of negative people concerning my life, states of lack of decision
- confusion, shoulder of routine, chaotic thoughts
- my erroneous weaknesses and their chaotic causes
- weakness, suggestions of other negative people about my strength
- the inability to deal with difficult situations in dealing with people, women
- misclassified status me as a man
- the emotional states of helplessness, uncertainty, sadness, fear
- emotional insecurity, fear, sense of alienation, loneliness
- the lack of faith in myself, the shoulder of self-confidence
- a sense of solitude, discouragement, a sense of meaning in life
- all the holes in the energy body from the perspective of my mind
- the weakness of submissive dishonesty
- a sense of weakness, helplessness, helplessness
- negative energies from my energy field
- the feeling of being unloved, the shoulder of respect for myself
- being someone else, who I am not, a shoulder of respect for myself
- follow other negative energies, the shoulder of the connection with my spiritual world, guardians
- low, negative vibrations, energies, silly thoughts, and silly repetitive voices
- foreign energies, humiliation, delusion, confusion, sense of shame
- the shoulder of respect of other people towards me, and therefore the shoulder of respect to myself
- the feeling of alienation in my body and my reality, i.e., the mind
- Initiative bar, the inability to make the right decision, the shoulder to take a keen initiative and other decisions.
- Subdue chaos, chaos, irrationality, focus on negatives [past].
- Criticize myself, translate myself, my faults
- negative energy-neuron connections with my heart, Guardian Angel
- succumb to the domination of other people, dishonest people, lies,
- the feeling of helplessness, impotence, silly thoughts, obsession
- the transfer of responsibility for my life, to other people [/ -that it’s my life]
- guilt, moving the responsibility of my fate on other people
- shoulder of self-control of sexual drive
- Pushing thinking into the natural, feeling inequality with women [that is why I am on par with women].
Version V3a also is built upon high beta brainwave, so it’s not applicable to listening before or during sleep.
Your eyes can be open or closed while listening to it. This brainwave is good at increasing cognitive performance, attention, arousal, and energy.
Please understand that at very begining of listening to it – you could feel states of fear or any similar emotions – this is sign of something under your conscious thinking – I would recommend to keep listening and after few days these bad emotional states will fall off.
The same effect as with RemoveNegativeInfluence V.1 and V.2
It is not recommended for those who have diagnosed depression or take medicaments for psychical illnesses.
Ad.2): Order of Domination V3b (it is for listening)
33 + 6 + 1 = 40 Audio spells in V3b version are:
Has almost the same set of audio spells as in V3a—because also includes these additional six Goetic audio spells:
- Vaul – His Office is to procure the Love of Woman, and to tell Things Past, Present, and to Come. He also procureth Friendship between Friends and Foes. He was of the Order of Potestates or Powers.
- Renove – He teacheth the Art of Rhetoric very well and giveth Good Servants, Knowledge of Tongues, and Favours with Friends or Foes.
- Naberius – He maketh men cunning in all Arts and Sciences, but especially in the Art of Rhetoric. He restoreth lost Dignities and Honours.
- Marchosi – And he is a strong fighter. He was of the Order of Dominations.
- Ipos – He knoweth all things Past, Present, and to Come. He maketh men witty and bold.
- Furfur – Also he will wittingly urge Love between Man and Woman. He can raise Lightnings and Thunders, Blasts, and Great Tempestuous Storms. And he giveth True Answers both of Things Secret and Divine, if commanded.
- Muscle Strenght
It is built upon Improve Cognition Brainwave and also there is a Female Egregore which is an expert in removing bad things from the mind / cleansing the mind..
It also has 105 Silent4D Image Trance Engines (35 different—each 3 times).
Please understand that at very begining of listening to it – you could feel states of fear or any similar emotions – this is sign of something under your conscious thinking – I would recommend to keep listening and after few days these bad emotional states will fall off.
The same effect as with RemoveNegativeInfluence V.1 and V.2
It is not recommended for those who have diagnosed depression or take medicaments for psychic illness.
Ad.3): Order of Domination V3c – xTreme Charisma (it is for listening and using as audio talisman)
eXtreme Charisma Silent Bliss Subliminal TTS in four versions:
– 50x
– 115x
– 220x
– 500x
10 Audio spells are as follows:
– legendary attention
– enjoy people
– mass influence
– lead with enthusiasm
– favors by appeal
– project security
– project strength
– charisma
– power of persuasion I
– power of persuasion II
Affirmations/suggestions are for having superb attention and max charisma.
(overall max power is up to 500x and chi suggestions may works for those whose limit is near 20,000x).