Hey Guys,
according to your requests new part of energies has been created – later an Audio Talismans and Mp3s for listening will be made upon.
Here is the list of the new ones:
(some of them indeed.. can be pretty exciting as end creation)
146. ConvertAnyFileIntoListeningPowerMp3, by put any files like i.e. GIFs of big booty, RTF files, PDF, any file indeed, into folder and listen an mp3 within this folder, it would convert all files into mp3, like you could turn the GIFs, and any of these files into Mp3 for listening. This would also works well with videos.
If mixed with other eXtreme Energies; for example for ‘learning’ the end effect will be „learning from files”. If mixed with Visualization eXtreme Energy it will generating visualization upon content.
If use as it is, the goal is manifesting the content of folder.
Folder needs to be named as „ManifestingMp2727”Does not works as audio talisman. Only for listening via headphones, earphones or speakers.
147. ConvertAnySIGILIntoListeningPowerMp3, by put any PNG, JPG, IMG images of NSigils, Xsigils, XM Spells, or King Solomon Pentacles, any symbos, runes, any metaphysical Sigils or symbols, into folder and listen an mp3 within this folder, it would convert all files into mp3, like you could turn the Sigils files into Mp3 for listening.
If mixed with other eXtreme Energies for example for ‘learning’ the end effect will be „learning from files”.
If use as it is, the goal is manifesting the content of folder in this case Sigils.
Something like: Sigils to Mp3.
Folder needs to be named as „ManifestingMp528528”Does not works as audio talisman. Only for listening via headphones, earphones or speakers.
148. Ormus into Mp3 / Audio Talisman
Dear Master Magicflow I require you make an mp3 with the amplification of x100,000 of A substance the Ancients used called Ormus. here is A Description
What is White Powder Gold/Ormus?
White Powder Gold, also called Ormus or even elixir of life, causes a change in the body. It creates a transmutation in the cellular structure, which effects the light that the cell contain. Ormus acts on all multidimensional levels and can ensure that the left and right side of the brain are more balanced.White Powder Gold/Ormus can activate senses.
Ormus can activate dormant senses; people have it all: clairvoyant, clairaudient, telepathy, etc. Everyone could see auras before we were programmed. White Powder Gold helps to increase the number of active senses increase from 5 to a possible 12. However, what someone sees and feels, depends on the number of senses that are activated.Ormus has a great influence on the aura and the energetic manifestations of the physical body. It reprograms harmony, balance, increases concentration span, increases memory and also brings peace of mind.
Vitality/clarity of mind with White Powder Gold/Ormus.
Ormus can also have a major impact on the vitality and clarity of mind; It can activate DNA strands through which we get a stronger connection with our inner source. DNA strands are crystal lines structures that send and receive information.White Powder Gold is a superior product and consists of gold in monatomic state, this helps restoring the functioning of your DNA. It affects the vitality, state of mind, brightness of the mind and consciousness.
People who use our White Powder gold/platinum/silver and indium and are able to combine this with the spiritual and physical and metaphysical, are very satisfied and have phenomenal results.Please make this Infinitely potent beyond x20,000 for its full effects.
MUST CONTAIN these three elements – M-AU + M-IRID + M-RHO, thats Monatomic GOLD, Monatomic IRIDIUM and Monatomic RHODIUM.Here is A link to the actual substance an mp3 of this product would be Super fantastic Indeed.Thank you in advance.
https://www.tibetangold.com/ssl/zc/inde … c1ko55gjk4149. Angelic Charm (according to Angelic Charm, its bring: max (massive) sales, great wealth attraction, and great female attraction, general attraction of everything good).
150. Attract friend woman with benefits: attract a beautiful, lovely, passionate woman with huge natural boobs for sex or non-binding love relationships.
151. Attract woman for long-term relationship, ideal wife: attract a beautiful, lovely, passionate woman, perfectly accustom to my own energy with huge natural boobs for sex and for binding love relationships.
152. YHWH ORGASMIC Ecstasy – feeling of most amazing full body orgasm, and the amazing sexual healing effect. Releasing all bad, evil stuff. But this one is mostly about mood-improvement by experiencing digital powerful full-body orgasm. It can be considered as virtual sex session, but the end effect should be: Relaxation and Feeling of Happiness, Stress Relief.
In the nutshell: Orgasmic Mood Improvement. Amazing feeling of Full Body Orgasm,
which also give sense of relief of stress, and sexual fulfillment.153. VideoImagesMp3sWithinFolder for Manifesting.
The idea is simple: Client has to put this Audio Talisman within folder named as:
„Manifesting111222333VidIMG”, or many copies of it, and than he need to put to this folder any content that he want to manifesting these can be:
– videos
– gifs
– images
and other files that he can see at PC/Tablet/Phone/VReality screen.When he open these files with any program within this folder (files needs to be in this folder) it will add the manifestation power to it.
Simplest example: He put this eXtreme Energy AudioTalismans into the folder along the video of sexy and beautiful women, or pictues, all he needs to do, is to watch them on his screen, i.e. PC screen, or any other screen.
It (eXtreme Energy and final Audio Talisman created upon it) can be customized with other eXtreme Energies, like for example if mixed with sigils for learning, it’s main goal will be learning, for example with RTF files, PDF, or Images, or so, or videos.
It mostly works as Eye Active Talisman and the power-output is dictated by quantity of audio talismans and their „x” strength collected within this special named folder.
But also add the power to sound, vision, motion.Set for manifesting only good, positive things.
154. Software&OnlineBrowsersWithinFolder for Manifesting
This one is the same as above, but client needs to install any internet Browser like Firefox, Chrome, or any other ones within the „ManifestationOnline777999” folder, to watch online content, like Youtube or Cams, or Vimeo, or just Websites, like for learning languages, or so and watch them to gain the manifestation effect.
The folder needs to be named as „ManifestationOnline777999”.
Also client can install within this folder any other software, like Virtual Assistance, Text To Speech Voices, Programs to Text To Speech Conversion, Chat Bots, and when he will use it, the power will be there, for example software for Flash Cards (learning), or even GAMES (!!)
But all games, or software needs to be install within this special folder. Folder can be anywhere on disk.
It can be however customized while recording by adding another eXtreme Energies to the mix, for example for learning = the effect will be learning, and so on.
It mostly works as Eye Active Talisman and the power-output is dictated by quantity of audio talismans and their „x” strength collected within this special named folder.
But also add the power to sound, vision, motion.Set for manifesting only good, positive things.
155. VideoImages&Mp3sInfluencer
Put it into any folder with videos or music, images and listen to this music or watch video, all these will be transmute with the general influence manifestation energy.
It affect sound, vision and motion.
It works only within the folder where it has been put.
If media files are in d:/MyMusic/ and when person put it there. It will affect all these files.Can be optimized with another eXtreme Energies like for learning, or seduction, or wealth.
Can be used only for positive, constructive goals including sexual ones.
This does not works as Audio Talisman, just affecting files without Audio Talismans effect. So if person use it with VR (Virtual Reality) Headset it not effecting him via Audio Talisman, but all content he listening or viewing indeed affecting him in general way: manifestation, if this final energy is customized with another eXtreme Energies, it will act accordingly to another eXtreme Energies like for learning, seducing, manifesting sexual content, or just business/wealth (attracting wealth/sales).
156. Atmokinesis Power, manipulates and changes the time at your command, within a range of a few tens of kilometers.
157. Block/Remove Hacker and other digital intruders: energy for stopping Hacker/Troll/Nanobot/Spybot/Malware/Virus in any your account, address, personal space an so on. If possible, also make it work by voice command: Stop / Block Hacker-Troll, Nanobot – or optionally works automatically.
+ website/s and online activity protection.158. – Flush anyone fast
complete cleaning from the mind and auric field within 4-8 hours, of all the affirmations, energies present in subliminal-binaural-isochronic-mantra and AT. The results obtained are maintained.Flush is a special type of subliminal that need to clear all affirmations or information stored in the unconscious mind, for every new cycle of listening.
My idea is to create a similar Mp3/AT that fits over subliminal isochronic/binaurals, also to AT and mantra, if possible.
In summary, it must be an Mp3/AT that makes the unconscious mind and the auric field free of information every time the goals changed, it must therefore completely empty the mind and/or the auric field to receive the new information.159. Absolute Faith in Success / Infinite Optimism.
– Absolute faith in success
– remove fear of success
– infinite optimism
– endless positive thinking
– erase all fails past, present, future
– mindset of winner
– restore faith in biright future
– erase doubts, worrying
– winning life attitude160. Flexibility Power and Anti-Aging Mind of Teenager
– refresh mind and adopt to current life’s situation to overcome all circumstances
– fexible mind of teenager
– ability to learn fast for get the power of current situations
– being always young, flexible
– find solution to any difficult situation
– adopt to any circumstances with ease (job, life, friends, family)
– build-in power of winning any situation at all planes (physical, mental, spiritual, psi).
– accelerated faith in own abilities