Kundalini and Third Eye Awakening MP3 AT

made with Angelic Bliss Engine v.4 (almost the same power as Bliss Engine v.6)

It’s mp3 for listening and audio talisman at the same time.

This is for -exactly as title indicate. Please use it very carefully. It’s has been programed with chi suggestions to safely awake kundalini and in natural way opening the Third Eye Chakra – where the process of opening shouldn’t induce any chakra burning effects.

It has elements of Remove Negative Beliefs Chanting to get rid of some mind’s limitations that could block the way for Awakening Kundalini
and Opening 3rd Eye Chakra.

It is good for people who are sensitive to energy and those a bit less sensitive. 

The energies within are as follow:
(eXtreme energies that empower entire audio track)

  • Chakra Balancing
  • Energy and Vitality
  • Chi Kung
  • Psi Faith
  • Titanic Health
  • YHWH Immortality
  • YHWH Manifestation Powers
  • YHWH Psi Abilities
  • Total Balance and Grounding
  • The chi suggestions include these:
  • Opening chakras
  • Balance chakras
  • Removing energy blockages in each chakra
  • Awakening chakras through all seven energy points
  • Opening 3rd eye Anja chakra
  • Increased ability to see more

Within the audio soundtrack there are seven frequencies of chakras in row along with seven Solfeggio frequencies.

The specification of new Angelic Bliss Engine v.4 (each MP3 recorded in help of it has following abilities):

  • Angelic energies
  • Life changing powers
  • Aura of attractiveness regardless of topic
  • Energy can be active some time after stop using mp3 [effects last longer]
  • Focus module [the chi suggestion have very high precision]
  • All energies (audio spells) are even more focused and create entire mp3 much more effective by join all parts into one more stable system
    to mention these few which are most important.

If you feel too much power please stop using it. Also do not recommend to listening it before sleep. However the focus is put on true awakening of kundalini and clearing energy blockages in all chakras to allow the chi energy flowing as naturally as possible. It can also give the effect of chakra clearing.

Please use it wisely and on your own responsibility / at your own risk – use it wisely – never treat as a TOY.

You will receive one MP3/AT file:


27 minutes

To make it works – listening it in “loop” mode (repeat 1 song, can be at low volume) for about 1-2 hours per day at regular basis

Each file is at the same time:

  • Mp3 for listening via headphones, earphones, speakers
  • AT (Audio Talisman) for use at any drive like microSD cards, phone’s memory, or just pen-drive (stick).


Desired period of using is at least 14-30 days.

Please use it wisely and only on your own responsibility (at your own risk). Never use it as a Toy. Do not overpower or stress out yourself. Remember about grounding. Drink a lot of water. Do not dehydrate yourself as an effect of too much energy.

$29  Available via HT4Y: kundalini-and-third-eye-awakening-mp3-and-at/ (link).