AwakenGodCosmicPower _up to 20,000x

made with Silent Bliss Nature Tree
upon this eXtreme Energy:

  • 114. Cosmic Power – Awake god within myself.This is important and main idea: To tap into the vast cosmic energies of the universe at will releasing the God within.-becoming super human, -becoming super strong, -becoming like a god, -awake true potential, -dominate the world, -enter into the 4th Dimension of Time and Space (currently we are moving from 3rd into 4th, Mother Earth and animals are already in 4th, but 99% of people are still in dense 3rd dimension, once enter into 4th Dimension, more possibilities will open. Different Timelines, and control over matter, space.God’sPower Vibes – to activate awesome powers within…, Enkisaid once that we have it in our DNA; to awake like a god within., Alsoto awake Yahweh Within for Endless power and possibilities., Hereis an old description to it: 3rdMillenius Gods – according to Enki, God Yahwe would like that humans becomes like Gods, especially after 3rdMillenius, year 3000 is deadline. This one is becoming god here at beginning of 2000 years, with this: Strong Assertive Self, but keep the natural naivety (which is good) – however completely erase this:gullibility. And being strong power person. With elements of protection.

Following “x” strength / power versions are inside the package:

  • 1000xAwakenGodCosmicPower.mp3
  • 100xAwakenGodCosmicPower.mp3
  • 10xAwakenGodCosmicPower.mp3
  • 12,000xAwakenGodCosmicPower.mp3
  • 16,000xAwakenGodCosmicPower.mp3
  • 20,000xAwakenGodCosmicPower.mp3
  • 2000xAwakenGodCosmicPower.mp3
  • 200xAwakenGodCosmicPower.mp3
  • 20xAwakenGodCosmicPower.mp3
  • 3xAwakenGodCosmicPower.mp3
  • 4000xAwakenGodCosmicPower.mp3
  • 400xAwakenGodCosmicPower.mp3
  • 40xAwakenGodCosmicPower.mp3
  • 5xAwakenGodCosmicPower.mp3
  • 7000xAwakenGodCosmicPower.mp3
  • 8000xAwakenGodCosmicPower.mp3
  • 800xAwakenGodCosmicPower.mp3
  • 80xAwakenGodCosmicPower.mp3


To make it works – listening it in “loop” mode (repeat 1 song) for about 1-2 hours per day at regular basis.

Each file is at the same time:

  • Mp3 for listening via headphones, earphones, speakers
  • AT (Audio Talisman) for use at any drive like microSD cards, phone’s memory, or just pen-drive (stick).

Desired period of using is at least 14-30 days.

Please use it wisely and only on your own responsibility (at your own risk). Never use it as a Toy. Do not overpower or stress out yourself. Remember about grounding. Drink a lots of water. Do not dehydrate yourself as an effect of too much energy.

Files are copyrighted and works well for you and your blood relatives.

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