Energies included: 700ct Wealth Diamond I & II– this is the emiter of energy of powerful wealth and money attraction, the virtual 700 ct gem. extreme Financial success in all ways; Sales Boost I & II – this is for boost physical sales and internet sales, good for those who own business and would like to boost it multiply times. Boost massivelly sales on all your website & local stores like mad millionaire (both digital and physical); Negative Money Beflies Demolisher – this one is for remove negative money beliefes on all levels, mostly in mind, mind-sets. Release Negative Money-Beliefs and Energies (that prevents Target from making more money). This spell, is to release negative money beliefs, energies, and different thouths, habits, other stuff that making difficult to making money. Additionally it install positive money attraction beliefs, wealth & success ones. It’s like money energy clearing, healing. It also clear from subconscious mind (spirit) some memories, bad contacts with people, experiences and put you on the right track. Generally its for getting rid of all these things from life that are not supporting creating wealth, money success. Eventually it trasmutes low vibrations and allow you creating wealth , financial success, being more presperous. Soaring Motivation – this is for boost motivation levels, in all area of life including work and taking care of ownself. Superb skyrocktet motivation in all areas, like work, life, diet, self-care, etc etc (but especially work). Succeed Effortlessly, Secure Success, Self-Confidence, Business Succees, 1st Mars – for gaining courage, ambition, enthusiasm & all physical accomplishments;. 2nd Jupiter – for acquiring glory,honors, riches, & tranquility of mind. 4th Jupiter – to acquire wealth and honor. 3rd Sun – to attract renown, glory, riches.
Pictures encoded into: Gold Bars, (Gold) Kruggerands, Golden Coins
Audio Track is programmed with suggestions to achive general financial success and is made accordingly to Melchizedek’s money making idea – that’s there are strong statements of being rich right now this moment and affirmations of thinking as millionaire.

Energies included: Bussiness Success, 700ct Wealth Diamond, Sales Boost, Demolish Negative Money Beliefs, 1st Energy of Mars ( for gaining courage, ambition, enthusiasm & all physical accomplishments), 3rd Energy of Sun (to attract renown, glory, riches).
Pictures encoded into: Gold Bars, (Gold) Kruggerands, Golden Coins, US Real Dollars.

Energies included: 700ct Wealth Diamond, Negative Money Beliefs Demolisher, Transmute Negative Belifes, Energy into Positive, Bussiness Success, Stock Market Gambling Success, Positive Attitude Towards Gambling, 1st Energy of Moon (Open’s all doors and locks, no matter in what way they are fastened), 1st Energy of Saturn (Designed to compel others to submit to the possessor’s wishes & requests), 2nd Mercury (to gain the impossible. granting wishes contrary to the order of nature), 3rd Energy of Sun (to attract renown, glory, riches), 3rd Energy of Venus (to attract love, respect, and admiration), 4th Energy of Mars ( great power of towards bringing victory or vindication in an argument or battle of any kind), 5th Energy of Mercury (to open doors of any kind, for nothing it encounters can resist or defeat it).
Pictures Encoded: 5 images with Gold Bars, Gold Bulion Coins, Kruggerands and two with US Dollars.
Note: It include secret technique of chanting the desired reality directly to Universe and back as an (already happen) powerful affirmation of current state of being rich.

Energies included: 700ct Wealth Diamond I & II– this is the emiter of energy of powerful wealth and money attraction, the virtual 700 ct gem. extreme Financial success in all ways; Sales Boost I & II – this is for boost physical sales and internet sales, good for those who own business and would like to boost it multiply times. Boost massivelly sales on all your website & local stores like mad millionaire (both digital and physical); Negative Money Beflies Demolisher – this one is for remove negative money beliefes on all levels, mostly in mind, mind-sets. Release Negative Money-Beliefs and Energies (that prevents Target from making more money). This spell, is to release negative money beliefs, energies, and different thouths, habits, other stuff that making difficult to making money. Additionally it install positive money attraction beliefs, wealth & success ones. It’s like money energy clearing, healing. It also clear from subconscious mind (spirit) some memories, bad contacts with people, experiences and put you on the right track. Generally its for getting rid of all these things from life that are not supporting creating wealth, money success. Eventually it trasmutes low vibrations and allow you creating wealth , financial success, being more presperous. Soaring Motivation – this is for boost motivation levels, in all area of life including work and taking care of ownself. Superb skyrocktet motivation in all areas, like work, life, diet, self-care, etc etc (but especially work). Succeed Effortlessly, Secure Success, Self-Confidence, Business Succees, 1st Mars – for gaining courage, ambition, enthusiasm & all physical accomplishments;. 2nd Jupiter – for acquiring glory,honors, riches, & tranquility of mind. 4th Jupiter – to acquire wealth and honor. 3rd Sun – to attract renown, glory, riches.
Pictures encoded into: Gold Bars, (Gold) Kruggerands, Golden Coins
Audio Track is programmed with suggestions to achive success at real estate market.

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