Audio Talismans AT2 #3

Audio Talismans v.2 (AT2)

Page #3

Be aware – there is strong Copyright Energy encoded into each Audio Talisman Mp3  – after you order any of these Audio Talismans – only you and your blood-relatives can use these AT2 legally.
To make it clear: each product is preprogrammed to be positively active for the individual = single person only who own it on a legal way, i.e. via buying;
consequently – it is completely useless for all other “second hand” users, resellers, distributors, etc;
moreover,  the preprogramming applied by proceeds on a level inaccesible to manipulation/hacking”.

All information about AT2 (audio talismans) you will find here:



Energies included: Immortality 1,2 – – this one works in sync with target’s soul, for make life longer maximally, and anti-aging and for perfect health. Immortality with Anti Aging and Perfect Health (safe if used). This Spell is for reverse aging processes, anti-aging, regeneration, (indeed many people dream of immortality), perfect health (all meanings, like physical, spiritual, psychical, energetic, astral etc etc – just perfect health), with this that Target it will intuitivelly find the right diet, food, exercies, activities that will bring her/him desired output in form of anti aging, perfect health, and parts of dreamed immortality. It is infused with healing energy; so the cells, and body will be repaired itself.; Inner Radiance – this is for mental clarity with boost and strenghten of psychical mental health. Intelligence and Health Restoration. This one has two purposes, firstly to creating or supporting brain health, keep the healthy thinking processes and second one to creating field of clarity of thoughts, like slight meditation/contemplation, that create mental clarity, organizes thoughts, provide stress-free envirovment to feel good. Partly it can include mood ehnacer part, for example for seasonal depression. Also for creating some kind of self-trust to own mental/mind spheres, to understanding own self, mind, needs, etc. So, there is mind health, clarity, and mood improvement in nutshell.; Digestive System – healing of digestive system, putting it into perfect harmony and strenght, killing parasites, bacteria, yeasts, etc – keeping the right balance and the ability to choose, instinctivelly find the right food, supplements to have optimally healthy digestive system. This is for healing digestive system, also partly other health system related to the digestive, but main goal is to healing digestive system, and it’s all organs, like stomatch, pancreas, duodenum, gall bladder, etc etc. Also, there is important part, to keep the right pH acidity, so generally to heal you from acidosis [which is horrible thing and root cause of many affilications], the second important thing are: “microorganisms” indeed in intenstines there are good ones, and bad ones, and their different proportions, there is horrible yeast such as candida [and other ugly ones], if it re-grows to much its harmful and cause many afflication begging from insomnia, depression, mood swings, etc. There are also other harmful parasites, which we dont want to have, but there are also good ones, that without we can’t live. Anyway, along with strong and healthy functioning digestive system and its organs, it is also about creating right and healthy flora of digestive organs, to remove some yeasts, molds, mytocse, release toxins, heavy metals, etc, and keep the good ones, like some healthy bacteria which are just needed to right and proper functioning of digestive system. It also slgihthly change mind of target which just start eating good food, [intuitivelly find and choose the right food], or/and choose right supplements which keep healthy his digestive system. There is also regeneration and youngfullnes to body organs, to help them regenerate, and keep healthy, strong. Good absorbtion of food and microelements which this spell will be achieved as well. Liver is important as well. Optionally it can be helpful with releasing stones in the gallbladder, liver, stomatch. The spell is 100% safe, digestive system is very important.; Chakra Balancing – balancing all charkas, energies within the body, meridians, female and male energies. Balance Chakras & Body Energies – Total Harmony & Balance. That’s all about stuff related to subtle energies, chakras, meridians, aura, etc, female, male energy fields, release energy blockages, etc, something that lays as foundation to good health and overall feeling & functioning good.; Rejuvenation Recovery, Cell Regeneration & Fast Recovery, Energy & Vitality, 1st SaturnDesigned to compel others to submit to the possessor’s wishes & requests, 2nd Mars – Serves with great success against all kinds of diseases when it is applied to afflicted parts, 5th Mercury – Serves to open doors of any kind, for nothing it encounters can resist or defeat it.

Notes: Audio Talisman for immortaling and anti-aging. The idea of some focused and repeatable affirmations encoded within chi energy into the soundtrack gives more chances for fast heath improvement or/and recovery. 


Energies included: High Poiwer Energy of Asian Love – Attract Asian women for sex or relationships I & II; Women Approach Me – The idea is to making women appraoch the target. Mostly for relationships or sex related things, as it is the dream of most men, anyway it include addon of developing inner game.  Creating “perfect situations” which is the type of great sex synchronizations, when circumstances allow target and girl to meet and do something with it. It is also loaded with sexual attraction energy., Extreme Attraction – this has similar power output to 700ct but it’s for attraction, the extreme attraction, and main goal is: sex. It can be something insane, (of course set for attracting/manifesting women  for love/sex relationships)., Sitri: He enflameth men with Women’s love, and Women with Men’s love; and causeth them also to show themselves naked if it be desired.; Zepar: His office is to cause Women to love Men, and to bring them together in love. He also maketh them barren., Gremory: His Office is to tell of all Things Past, Present, and to Come; and of Treasures Hid, and what they lie in; and to procure the Love of Women both Young and Old..


Energies included: Soaring Motivation – this is for boost motivation levels, in all area of life including work and taking care of ownself. Superb skyrocktet motivation in all areas, like work, life, diet, self-care, etc etc (but especially work)., Rabid Willpower the will-power of real alpha male, ability to control unwanted habits (smoking, sex, drinking, etc), dominant energy. With these elements [not limited to]: – strong dominant alpha male, – strong enough to break some bad habbits, like for example these unfortunate sex cam additions, or any other addiction such as, alcohol, etc etc, – just these things which happen when the will-power is strong, – [its also related to motivation]., Muscle Strenght, Rejuvenation Recovery, Cell Regeneration, Fast Recovery, Energy and Vitality, Overcome Fatigue, Discipline in Training, Boost Muscle Exercises More Reps, Increased Fat Burning, Enjoy Regular Workouts.


Energies included: Digestive System – healing of digestive system, putting it into perfect harmony and strenght, killing parasites, bacteria, yeasts, etc – keeping the right balance and the ability to choose, instinctivelly find the right food, supplements to have optimally healthy digestive system. This is for healing digestive system, also partly other health system related to the digestive, but main goal is to healing digestive system, and it’s all organs, like stomatch, pancreas, duodenum, gall bladder, etc etc. Also, there is important part, to keep the right pH acidity, so generally to heal you from acidosis [which is horrible thing and root cause of many affilications], the second important thing are: “microorganisms” indeed in intenstines there are good ones, and bad ones, and their different proportions, there is horrible yeast such as candida [and other ugly ones], if it re-grows to much its harmful and cause many afflication begging from insomnia, depression, mood swings, etc. There are also other harmful parasites, which we dont want to have, but there are also good ones, that without we can’t live. Anyway, along with strong and healthy functioning digestive system and its organs, it is also about creating right and healthy flora of digestive organs, to remove some yeasts, molds, mytocse, release toxins, heavy metals, etc, and keep the good ones, like some healthy bacteria which are just needed to right and proper functioning of digestive system. It also slgihthly change mind of target which just start eating good food, [intuitivelly find and choose the right food], or/and choose right supplements which keep healthy his digestive system. There is also regeneration and youngfullnes to body organs, to help them regenerate, and keep healthy, strong. Good absorbtion of food and microelements which this spell will be achieved as well. Liver is important as well. Optionally it can be helpful with releasing stones in the gallbladder, liver, stomatch. The spell is 100% safe, digestive system is very important.

Notes: Experimental AT made with Audio Talisman Device completly build from Citrine Gemstone. Citrine is known as gem which helps a lot with digestive system issues. This AT also help cure diarrea.


Energies included: Grounding (emotions, energies, thoughtfroms) and Accumulate more energy I & II, Stress Dissolution, Chakra Balance, Azrael Archangel, Enthusiasm (Digital Anti-Depresant), Emotional Calm and Strenght, Relaxation Stress Relief.

Notes: Grounding with healing energies.