Audio Talismans AT2 #2

Audio Talismans v.2 (AT2)

Page #2

Be aware – there is strong Copyright Energy encoded into each Audio Talisman Mp3  – after you order any of these Audio Talismans – only you and your blood-relatives can use these AT2 legally.
To make it clear: each product is preprogrammed to be positively active for the individual = single person only who own it on a legal way, i.e. via buying;
consequently – it is completely useless for all other “second hand” users, resellers, distributors, etc;
moreover,  the preprogramming applied by proceeds on a level inaccesible to manipulation/hacking”.

All information about AT2 you will find here:



Energies included: Women Approach Me I, II, III, Power Erotic Male, Orgasmic Healing, Project Strenght, Project Security, Extreme Attraction, True Acceptance, 3th Venus – This serves to attract love, respect, and admiration, 5rd Venus – excites great passion and desire when shown to another, Thrillingly Romantic, Transmute negative into positive.


Energies included: Muscle Strenght, Thrillingly Romantic, Music Talent, Magnetic Appeal, Find Good Job, Power Male Erotic, Discipline in Training, Public Speaking Success, Boost Muscle Exercises More Reps, Attract New Love, Solidify Existing Love, Attract Money, For a Special Love, Enjoy Regular Workouts, Marital Love, Secure Success, Succeed Effortlessly, Extreme Attraction, Orgasmic Healing, ArchAngel Gabriel, 4th Energy of Venus – great power, this forces any person the owner desires to come to him or her; 5th Energy of Sun – Invokes the spirits who can transport one from any place to any place, and in a short time.


Energies included: Extreme Attraction, Sitri – He enflameth men with Women’s love, and Women with Men’s love; and causeth them also to show themselves naked if it be desired;, Sallos – He causeth the Love of Women to Men, and of Men to Women;,  True Acceptance, Self-Confidence, Attract New Love, Enjoy People, Self Confidence, Attract Partner, Excellent Comunication Skills, Thrillingly Romantic, 2nd Venus – For obtaining grace & honor, and for accomplishing all desires in matters of the heart;, 3rd Venus –  serves to attract love, respect, and admiration.

Pictures encoded into: 9 images with different women – mostly BB.W type. This AT2 may attract BB.W women, also slightly “disco” type of women and/or eventually rich women or these which pretend to be rich.

The Digital fantasy Girls works 100 percent all I see everywhere I go is BB.W girls, I don’t really like that type but am sure if you made one with scantly clad almost naked hot and skinny girls with big titties the same way it will work every where you go. This Digital Fantasy gIRLS at IS for real causing changes to reality it looks like all that is around is the BB.W.


Energies included: Soaring Motivation, True Empower, 700ct Wealth Diamond, Lead with Enthusiasm, Excellent Communication Skills, Energy and Vitality.

Pictures encoded into: 14 images with beautiful Asian women – therefore there is huge possibility to meet many Asian women on your way, and also manifest those which are not Asian, however are in your “type” – the effect of dynamic visualization: as build-in feature of the Audio Talisman Device v.2

its amazing I had the exact same result, a young Asian walked past me looking zoned out and I said good morning and she smiled and said hello, then I was driving and there was a 40 yr old lady putting air in her car tires and all I did was look in her direction with my window down and she said hello. its amazing. make more different ones:)


Energies included: Soaring Motivation, True Empower, 700ct Wealth Diamond, Lead with Enthusiasm, Excellent Communication Skills, Energy and Vitality, Extreme Attraction.
* – the AT2 made with money attracting energies and including money attraction energies shows great interests of the women towards owner of the these AT2.

Pictures encoded into: 12 images with beautiful “Big Booty” women – therefore there is huge possibility to meet a lot of women in this type down the road.
More about the pictures:


Energies included: Soaring Motivation, True Empower, 700ct Wealth Diamond, Lead with Enthusiasm, Excellent Communication Skills, Energy and Vitality, Extreme Attraction, Women Approach Me.
* – the AT2 made with money attracting energies and including money attraction energies shows great interests of the women towards owner of the these AT2.

Pictures encoded into: 12 images with beautiful  top-models women (for example Adriana Lima)- therefore there is huge possibility to a manifest lot of women whenever you are.


Energies included: 700ct Wealth Diamond, True Acceptance, Magnetic Appeal, Popularity, Super Manifestation (manifest my wishes and my hidden dreams).

Pictures encoded into: 3 images with hot, stunning beautiful 18-26 yo women – all with eye contact.

Note: If less images and less energies – then any mp3/AT2 is more focused.


Energies included: Mangetic Appeal, Popularity, 700ct Wealth Diamond, True Acceptance, Super Manifestation (manifest my hidden wishes), Thrillingly Romantic, Self Confidence, Extreme Attraction, Orgasmic Healing, 4th Mars (great power of towards bringing victory or vindication in an argument or battle of any kind), Aim (He maketh thee witty in all manner of ways, and giveth true answers unto private matters), Ipos (He maketh men witty and bold), Perfect Spiritual Nymph.

Pictures encoded into: 12 images. One red head,  pretty faces, 3 of them with naked body (which effect is a bit unknown – all previous AT2s include no “naked” pics), one “gothic” style girl, one “blue hair” girl. All generally beautiful girls, nice looks, eye contact etc. Avarage age 18-21yo.

Note: This is first AT2/Mp3 with last version of Perfect Spiritual Nymph. 


Energies included: The Name is True Seal of the Choir of Hosts or Dominations of the Ministering Angels – This Seal from the Choir of the Dominationen, or Hosts, the following are the most useful: Aha, Rosh, Habu, Aromicha, Lemar, Patteny, Hamya, Azoth, Hayozer, Karohel, Wezynna, Patecha, Tehom. The special secret of this seal is that if a man carries this Seal with him, it will bring him great fortune and blessing; it is therefore called the truest and highest Seal of Fortune. Seal of the Ministering Throne Angels – The ministering Throne Angels of this Seal are the following: Theom, Haseha, Amarzyom, Schawayt, Chuscha, Zawar, Yahel. La hehor, Adoyahel, Schimuel Achusaton, Schaddyl, Chamyl, Parymel, Chayo. The special secret of this Throne is that by carrying this Seal with you will cause you to be very agreeable and much beloved, and will also defeat all your enemies. Seal of the Ministering Cherubim and Seraphim with their Characteristics -The most obliging ministering Cherubim and Seraphim of this Seal, are the following with their Hebrew calling: Anoch, Sewachar, Chaylon, Esor, Yaron, Oseny, Yagelor, Ehym, Maakyel, Echad, Yalyon, Yagar, Ragat, Ymmat, Chabalym, Schadym. The special secret of this Seal is that to carry this Seal upon the body will save a person from all misery, and give the greatest fortune and long life. 5th Energy of Mercury – Serves to open doors of any kind, for nothing it encounters can resist or defeat it. Super Manifestation (manifest my hidden wishes), 2nd Energy of Mercury – is said to gain the impossible; granting wishes contrary to the order of nature.

Pictures encoded into: 12 images. Mostly Asian women, few 18-21, few booty.

Note: Suggestions within the sound track. which is energized with chi energy are composed for attract literally millions of women (owner can meet on his unique way).


Energies included: Leadership, Excellent Communication, Lead with Enthusiasm, Enjoy People, Perfect Spiritual Nymph, 700ct Wealth Diamond (this is the emiter of energy of powerful wealth and money attraction, the virtual 700 ct gem. extreme Financial success in all ways), Extreme Attraction (this has similar power output to 700ct but it’s for attraction, the extreme attraction, and main goal is: sex. It can be something insane, (of course set for attracting/manifesting women for love/sex relationships). Women Approach Me (Inner Game Seduction – The idea is to making women appraoch the target. Mostly for relationships or sex related things, as it is the dream of most men, anyway it include addon of developing inner game. Creating “perfect situations” which is the type of great sex synchronizations, when circumstances allow target and girl to meet and do something with it. It is also loaded with sexual attraction energy), Gremory (His Office is to tell of all Things Past, Present, and to Come; and of Treasures Hid, and what they lie in; and to procure the Love of Women both Young and Old), 2nd Venus (For obtaining grace & honor, and for accomplishing all desires in matters of the heart), 3rd Sun (Serves to attract renown, glory, riches). 3rd Venus (serves to attract love, respect, and admiration), Sallos (He causeth the Love of Women to Men, and of Men to Women.) Sitri (He enflameth men with Women’s love, and Women with Men’s love; and causeth them also to show themselves naked if it be desired.) 

Pictures encoded into: 10 pictures of beautiful women (in large groups).

Fil today I carried 400 copies of dfg8 harem version. At the first half hour I noticed many more women than usual. Mostly a ratio of 1-1 men and women this morning was ratio 4 women to 1 men.


Energies included: 700ct Wealth Diamond I & II– this is the emiter of energy of powerful wealth and money attraction, the virtual 700 ct gem. extreme Financial success in all ways; Sales Boost I & II –  this is for boost physical sales and internet sales, good for those who own business and would like to boost it multiply times. Boost massivelly sales on all your website & local stores like mad millionaire (both digital and physical); Negative Money Beflies Demolisher – this one is for remove negative money beliefes on all levels, mostly in mind, mind-sets. Release Negative Money-Beliefs and Energies (that prevents Target from making more money). This spell, is to release negative money beliefs, energies, and different thouths, habits, other stuff that making difficult to making money. Additionally it install positive money attraction beliefs, wealth & success ones. It’s like money energy clearing, healing. It also clear from subconscious mind (spirit) some memories, bad contacts with people, experiences and put you on the right track. Generally its for getting rid of all these things from life that are not supporting creating wealth, money success. Eventually it trasmutes low vibrations and allow you creating wealth , financial success, being more presperous. Soaring Motivation – this is for boost motivation levels, in all area of life including work and taking care of ownself. Superb skyrocktet motivation in all areas, like work, life, diet, self-care, etc etc (but especially work). Succeed Effortlessly, Secure Success, Self-Confidence, Business Succees, 1st Mars – for gaining courage, ambition, enthusiasm & all physical accomplishments;. 2nd Jupiter – for acquiring glory,honors, riches, & tranquility of mind. 4th Jupiter –  to acquire wealth and honor. 3rd Sun –  to attract renown, glory, riches.

Pictures encoded into: Gold Bars, (Gold) Kruggerands, Golden Coins

Audio Track is programmed with suggestions to achive success at real estate market.


Energies included: Bussiness Success, 700ct Wealth Diamond, Sales Boost, Demolish Negative Money Beliefs, 1st Energy of Mars ( for gaining courage, ambition, enthusiasm & all physical accomplishments), 3rd Energy of Sun (to attract renown, glory, riches).

Pictures encoded into: Gold Bars, (Gold) Kruggerands, Golden Coins, US Real Dollars


Energies included: 700ct Wealth Diamond I & II– this is the emiter of energy of powerful wealth and money attraction, the virtual 700 ct gem. extreme Financial success in all ways; Sales Boost I & II –  this is for boost physical sales and internet sales, good for those who own business and would like to boost it multiply times. Boost massivelly sales on all your website & local stores like mad millionaire (both digital and physical); Negative Money Beflies Demolisher – this one is for remove negative money beliefes on all levels, mostly in mind, mind-sets. Release Negative Money-Beliefs and Energies (that prevents Target from making more money). This spell, is to release negative money beliefs, energies, and different thouths, habits, other stuff that making difficult to making money. Additionally it install positive money attraction beliefs, wealth & success ones. It’s like money energy clearing, healing. It also clear from subconscious mind (spirit) some memories, bad contacts with people, experiences and put you on the right track. Generally its for getting rid of all these things from life that are not supporting creating wealth, money success. Eventually it trasmutes low vibrations and allow you creating wealth , financial success, being more presperous. Soaring Motivation – this is for boost motivation levels, in all area of life including work and taking care of ownself. Superb skyrocktet motivation in all areas, like work, life, diet, self-care, etc etc (but especially work). Succeed Effortlessly, Secure Success, Self-Confidence, Business Succees, 1st Mars – for gaining courage, ambition, enthusiasm & all physical accomplishments;. 2nd Jupiter – for acquiring glory,honors, riches, & tranquility of mind. 4th Jupiter –  to acquire wealth and honor. 3rd Sun –  to attract renown, glory, riches.

Pictures encoded into: Gold Bars, (Gold) Kruggerands, Golden Coins

Audio Track is programmed with suggestions to achive general financial success and is made accordingly to Melchizedek’s money making idea – that’s there are strong statements of being rich right now this moment and affirmations of thinking as millionaire.


Energies included: 700ct Wealth Diamond, Negative Money Beliefs Demolisher, Transmute Negative Belifes, Energy into Positive, Bussiness Success, Stock Market Gambling Success, Positive Attitude Towards Gambling, 1st Energy of Moon (Open’s all doors and locks, no matter in what way they are fastened), 1st Energy of Saturn (Designed to compel others to submit to the possessor’s wishes & requests), 2nd Mercury (to gain the impossible. granting wishes contrary to the order of nature), 3rd Energy of Sun (to attract renown, glory, riches), 3rd Energy of Venus (to attract love, respect, and admiration), 4th Energy of Mars ( great power of towards bringing victory or vindication in an argument or battle of any kind), 5th Energy of Mercury (to open doors of any kind, for nothing it encounters can resist or defeat it).

Pictures Encoded: 5 images with Gold Bars, Gold Bulion Coins, Kruggerands and two with US Dollars.

Note: It include secret technique of chanting the desired reality directly to Universe and back as an (already happen) powerful affirmation of current state of being rich. 


Energies included: Dark Armada (10 powerful energy beings that will create wall of protection on all levels, cast out any demons, negative entities, even the low ones), Seal of the Ministering Throne Angels (The ministering Throne Angels of this Seal are the following: Theom, Haseha, Amarzyom, Schawayt, Chuscha, Zawar, Yahel. La hehor, Adoyahel, Schimuel Achusaton, Schaddyl, Chamyl, Parymel, Chayo. The special secret of this Throne is that by carrying this Seal with you will cause you to be very agreeable and much beloved, and will also defeat all your enemies), Seal of the Ministering Cherubim and Seraphim with their haracteristics (The most obliging ministering Cherubim and Seraphim of this Seal, are the following with their Hebrew calling: Anoch, Sewachar, Chaylon, Esor, Yaron, Oseny, Yagelor, Ehym, Maakyel, Echad, Yalyon, Yagar, Ragat, Ymmat, Chabalym, Schadym. The special secret of this Seal is that to carry this Seal upon the body will save a person from all misery, and give the greatest fortune and long life), Immortality (this one works in sync with target’s soul, for make life longer maximally, and anti-aging and for perfect health), Michael (clearing of negative feelings, thoughts and energies, courage and self-esteem, worthiness and sense of goal, becoming more focused, guidance in Spiritual World, better connection to Universe’s Creator, possibility of getting answers for difficult questions, protection here at physical plane, repulse of negative emotions, aura of protection), Cause Army To Appear,  Zadkiel (guidance in creating wealth, fortune, royalty, rulership, renown, kingships, improve making money mind-sets, achieve freedom, helps in all matters related to wealth, money, abundance, prosperity), Transmutation (transmute all negative beliefs, thoughts, energies into positive), Power Erotic Male, Reverse Evil, Escape Danger.

Suggestions: I live the life of my dreams; My life is heaven 24/7; I’m a music super star; I’m wealthy beyond belief; I’m massively successful in every area of my life; My life is a non stop party and adventure.


Energies included: Thrillingly Romantic, 2nd Venus (For obtaining grace & honor, and for accomplishing all desires in matters of the heart), 3rd Venus (serves to attract love, respect, and admiration), Excellent Communication Skills, Attract Partner, Attract New Love, Attract a Special Love, Self-Confidence, Attract Friends, Enjoy People, Extreme Attraction (this has similar power output to 700ct but it’s for attraction, the extreme attraction, and main goal is: sex. It can be something insane, (of course set for attracting/manifesting women for love/sex relationships), Super Manifestation Powers (This one is to add super manifestation powers of all positive hidden dreams, goals, desires, to move things ahead with addon of great synchronizations. To overwritten evil and bad synchronizations from past, generally for success and abundance, but it is applicable to other topics too. This spell will erase it fully (any bad synchronization, even like those related to “CM” and give real and ture great synchronizations), Women Approach Me (The idea is to making women appraoch the target. Mostly for relationships or sex related things, as it is the dream of most men, anyway it include addon of developing inner game. Creating “perfect situations” which is the type of great sex synchronizations, when circumstances allow target and girl to meet and do something with it. It is also loaded with sexual attraction energy).


Energies included: Reverse Evil, Protection for Physical Danger, Solve Problems, Positive Pragmatic Attitude, Escape Danger, Armada (10 powerful energy beings that will create wall of protection on all levels, cast out any demons, negative entities, even the low ones. Superb Protection, All areas, mental, spiritual, bulb of protection, present, past, future. Release negative beliefs. Clearning. Contains protective beings, that will give to the target person – especially feeling of calm, being/feeling safe, partly releasing/or help them releasing negative beliefs, feeling, thoughts, phobias, etc etc. Provide target full superb protection on all possible spheres like, mental, physical [avoid enemies in time and space], spiritual, bulb of white protective light, in present, future, past. Traget will be invisible to dark entities, enemies, like for example against remote viewing. It will keep safely against “choas energy” – which is the real thing, its the real energy field, that has been created by people epsecially in last maybe 15 or more years, – this Spell will keep target person safly from all such sources/fields of negative energies.), Detox (This one is healing one – Its for detox body from negative chemicals, with support of removing parasites, yeasts, bacteria. It partly works that way that target will find ways on your own of choosing right food, etc supplements, to get rid of these, even choosing these supplements that are not too expensive, there are losts of herbs for it, and are inexpensive. The detox additionally detox negative emotions, even those from early childhood, to feel relief. Plus with detox, tensions, from the enegetic point of view, of interal organs, which as I know also can be clean from the different energeticinfections), Super Manifestation Powers – (This one is to add super manifestation powers of all positive hidden dreams, goals, desires, to move things ahead with addon of great synchronizations. To overwritten evil and bad synchronizations from past, generally for success and abundance, but it is applicable to other topics too. This spell will erase it fully (any bad synchronization, even like those related to “CM” and give real and ture great synchronizations),  Entire Universe Ascension, 2nd Mars – (Serves with great success against all kinds of diseases when it is applied to afflicted parts). 3rd Moon – (Protects against all dangers of travel, all attacks by night, and every danger from water), 3rd Saturn – (Good for protection against any plots made by others & for defense against evil spirits), 4th Moon – (Defends from all evil, and from any injury to body or soul), 5th Saturn – (Protects the home, and guards all treasures & possessions one may own), 6th Jupiter– (Protects form all earthly dangers), 6th Sun – (Provides invisibility to the possessor at request). (16 Audio Spells).

Notes: 25 suggestion recorded in white magic style for protection and defense. Include “Karate-Do Trance Engine”.

