August 21 Discovery Day (Canadian Discovery Yukon till 21 August)

For any order of (Promo #1 or Promo #2 or Promo #3) you will get this time a free Virtual Psionis 3000 VX Inferno.

Yes… it’s a black magic, negative caster device.

Based on the same nasty stuff as the original Inferno that famous XM used to create.


– Virtual Psionis 3000VX

– Three Xsigils of your choice

[Promo #1 is: 1796 USD}


– Seven Xsigils of your choice

[Promo #2 is: 2093 USD]


– One VirtualGodCaster version 3.5

[Promo #3 is: 2799 USD]
Promo #3 is regarding this product:  VirtualGodCaster version 3.5 – and here is link to it:

In Promo #1 and #2 XSigils have 299 price tag instead of 399.

After purchase of products in Promo #1, #2 or #3 – one Virtual Psionis 3000 VX Inferno is as gift to each Promo #1, #2, or #3.
For custom Promo #X please contact via contact form or via forum (
