Virtual GirlFriend_vol.1_SAT (Silent Audio Talisman)
Virtual Sex with Target
This is virtual sex audio talisman with Yahweh’s energy called as “I need to get laid” and energy of “Yahweh love and happiness” together.
There are 4 energies / Audio Spells:
1). Female Egregore
2). Virtual Sex
3). Yahweh Love and Happiness
4). Yahweh I need to get laid
This is Silent Audio Talisman (SAT), design to used as the audio talisman.
Use it on your pen-drive, smartphone, any other drive, stick and during using it think about a woman that you like to have virtual sex
Virtual Sex Energy / Audio Spell: Virtual Sex – Think about girl you like (and have virtual sex with her) – it will works like that, that user will listen to this (or use it as SAT), and will think about woman he likes, and in that way he will somehow encounter real virtual sex with her, with all vivid images, motions, sounds via heart, feelings – optionally it can manifesting something in reality, but only if soul/guradian angel of target women want it. So there is no force on her decisions..
Some Tips about Astral Sex and Virtual Sex:
Pranayama can be helpful. In this case lay down, and take inhale for 4 sec, hold the air for 2 sec and then exhale for 4 sec. By repeating it – you will fill your micro-cosimc-orbit with energy.
The best sheme for psychic seduction is to relax, close eyes and imagine like you are in body of your Target, like inside her skin –
while listening/using it as audio talisman it is good to like “hug her from the inside”.
As I know the too much intense sexual desires, feelings may turn-her-off – but if you took focus on 3rd chakra and 4th chakra – and your operation will be not stricte sexual- such action can be very effective.
Targeting girl with sexual energies can be done only about 4-6 days before next meeting and not always works.
The best way is to imagine like your body and her body is one, and seeing her like a red ball that travel from root chakra thru next chakras to the 3rd and 4th chakra – then trying to “hug” her thru these two chakras.
Optionally simple visualization of being with her / or doing something with her, like dance or petting help too, but these must be done without “sex-desire”.
Last way is to ask a girl telepathically for mastubration session and let her provide your hands/fingers, it’s if made well it can turn-her-on. The same here – it must be done before meeting with her at least 4-6 days.
During Virtual Sex or Astral Sex try to be without any negative feelings/thoughts/emotions.
Indeed to making it excellently an increased mental / psychical energy will be helpful.
ZIP archive include five files; SAT (Silent Audio Talismans) in these “x” power versions:
20x, 50x, 75x, 125x and 175x.
consequently – it is completely useless for all other “second hand” users, resellers, distributors, etc;
moreover, the preprogramming applied by proceeds on a level inaccesible to manipulation/hacking”.