Virtual GodCaster ULTRA
The Power of Gods under your control made by SeductionMagicFlow,
Xtrememind and a Secret Partner
10 Targets, 50 Trends at the same time.
IMAGINE: One Target and 50 Symbols/Sigils.
SET UP within 2 minutes.
FAR better then Physical Devices.
Linked to the powerful Energy Spots in the Universe.
25 Intelligent Servitors to Grant your Wishes.
The Subtle Energy Output, the same as Spirits Energy, Invisible.
Ability to use ANYTHING as Trend Symbols.
INSTANT mood change within 1 minute after set up the Trend (Simple Ritual).
25 Servitors are tune into your Higher Self and there is 99,999% Success Ratio.
For creation of Virtual God Caster your is only required your photo.
If you can’t find symbol representing your wish or traget – just simply draw it, or even write your affirmation on the piece of paper.
You can also with Virrtual God Caster ULTRA:
Create your own powerful magical items from just anything
Charging gems and crystals for anything you wish for: attraction, money, love, protection, healing..
Creating Homeopatic Remedies
Charging Herbs and Supplements, Vitamins
Creating Life-Supporting Water charge with Power of Any Symbols for example for INVISIBILITY
Charging ANY object from Mirror to your PC’s Screen (Imagine charging it for Attract Money, Wealth, Riches)
You can Revitalize your Room or your Falt – just take a pic of your room and charge it’s space with Supernatural Forces
You can help all people in your family
Heal the sick
To the order the special PACK of more then 150+ Symbols with descriptions is Attached
You can gain Guidiance of Archangels
Work like a Pro Magican without ANY knowledge – The Ultimate EASY to USE
TRUE and ONLY one Wish Manifestor
And The Best of all – it’s based on VERY subtle ENERGY
You can charge your favourite FOOD and make it HEALTHY!
LITERALLY heal any affliction
There is also possiblity to Charge objects with ANY Frequency or Music
Gain access via SeductionMagicFlow to any of these sets of Frequencies: BigRifeList
1. Place your photo/s on Target Box
2. Put up to 5 Symbols on each of 10 Trend Boxes
and while putting each Symbol say: “It is done”.
THAT’S ALL! Go to your things and be prepared for POWER at your SIDE!
Alternativelly and recommended: Put one double terminated quartz crystal on top of the Target and Trends (11 crystals at all).
Isnt it easy?It is fully automated! Who knows if this is even more simple then making good espresso!
There is not required any fancy rituals or so, just simple and easy!
With Virtual God Caster within few months you can get your dream car! Or even faster!

You can even open your business and sell magical creations or selling spells – as your passions follow you. There are a lots of very rare gems which has very high vibrations – you may use them for creating amazing tools for helping people also realize their passions and start earning money by creating positive value. That’s not all. You can go to forest or at field and find the FLINT Stones – these are just stone but with great healing and protection abilities. The FLINT stones or any other stones can be charged with Virtual God Caster ULTRA into POWERFUL tools programmed for anything you want. You charging goal can be from protection, money & riches, tranqulity of the mind, supreme wisdom & knowledge, mathematical understanding, healing and regeneration, invisiblity, extreme attraction, fulfil your heart desires, finding new love, gain respect, attract friendship or personal magnetism, getting rid of your negative habits, thoughts. Re-engine mind-sets. LIST of possible ENERGIES for charging is almost LIMITLESS. One charged gem or stone can handle up to even 20 energies! Can you Imagine that? Simple Rose Quartz charged for 20 Energies – this means only: ULTIMATE SUCCESS!
And there is about charging, the same with manifesting your desires. The same above energies can be used for manifesting your most crazy desires and finally achieving anything you ever want to have or manifest. Actually the word “ritual” seems to finally leave the modern manifesting tools such as Virtual God Caster and stay with those who still practice “rituals” with physical devices. This type of activity better to name as “simple guaranteed prayer” or “simple guaranteed wish manifestor” or “grant my wish in 3 minutes”.
Yeah, you can also use the Virtual God Caster ULTRA as your personal Mood Changer – by creating any mental states you want. For example take a picture of Buddha and some pictures of beautiful Nature – and while “granting your wish in 3 minutes activity” ask the device for enlighment and absolute tranqulity and peace of mind. BAM! You got it.
Here is something more interesting which you should know. The Higher Intelligences, the one of the 27 Gods don’t like very much the physical devices – because physical devices can be used for destruction purposes. And in all Ancient Source Texts there is written that only LOVE can win with the DARKNESS. Here is SECRET. While the Image of the Virtual God Caster is your LINK, here at physical plane of reality to the subtle and supernatural forces – this is easy to understand – you can’t set negative trends. ONLY positive. This is the predominance of Virtual Psionics over the physical devices. The invisible part of your Virtual God Caster ULTRA exists in Spiritual World. And Spiritual World has many LAWS OF COSMOS. Once you got familiar (within 1 day probably) with your Virtual God Caster ULTRA you will realize that power of creating positive value is far more stronger then negativity and destruction trends or wishes. Spiritual World has it own PERFECTION and you can have access to it.
3 minutes simple steps and you got what you want
Any wish is possible at your fingertips
Discover the Power of Light and you will truly start to love your life
Enjoy every moment and live like a STAR in the movie of your dreams
Say it clearly – I am the Winner – so let it be!
Create your own Reality like a Pro Manifestor – effortlessly – just 3 minutes and you got it!
For it’s all 25x MORE Power then with VirtualPSIONIS3000VX
Please read FAQ and Description here:
Also please take a look at this Manual:
What you will got and what is the required process to got it?
- After purchase of three parts hosted at Tinypass (VirtualGodCaster_001a.pdf and VirtualGodCaster_001b.pdf and VirtualGodCaster_001c.pdf) you will get access to three charged PDF – do not share it with anyone – these works like Digital Talisman – BUT it’s not the MAIN POINT – once we will receive confirmation of your purchase via Tinypass – there is one little action required at your part:
1). Please send your photo to email address mention in VirtualGodCaster_001a.pdf
2). Please send symbol that represents something that has great value to you to the same email address as above. - Once we got these two pictures (your photo and symbol) – the HT4Y SeductionMagicFlow’s Team start working over very unique VirtualGodCaster for you. It usually takes 2-3 weeks – quite often faster then 2 weeks.
- At this point you will receive via email the Printable Image – print it, laminate it and and start using it for your success.
- Also when you will receive the Digital Image of your Virtual GodCaster you can imediatelly start using it.
- Enjoy it fully – please read all information about Virtual Radionics at Seductionmagicflow’s website – so you will have full view of it’s possibilities. If you will have any questions feel free to ask via contact form.
How to use it?
- Place your photo on Target Box
- Put up to 5 Symbols on each of 10 Trend Boxes
and while putting each Symbol say: “It is done”. - THAT’S ALL!
- Go to your things and be prepared for POWER at your SIDE!
- Alternativelly and recommended: Put one double terminated quartz crystal on top of the Target and Trends (11 crystals at all).
Isnt it easy? It is fully automated! Who knows if this is even more simple then making good espresso!
There is not required any fancy rituals or so, usage is simple and effortless!
You can pick up a lot’s of different symbols across the entire Internet – like type “king solomon pentacles” or “goetia symbols” just mention most popular. Try also different sets of symbols. If you want to discover some secrets of Ancient Egypt – then search for “Sphinx” and “Great Pyramid” and “Eye of Horus” – treat all these three pictures as symbols. Once you have pic of your Target (it can be you) and three symbols that represents of your wish – follow 6 simple steps in the 2nd Manual. And you know? You will fully enjoy this and everything is possible.
If you can’t find right symbol that represts your wish – write a line I will help.
Here you have King Solomon Pentacles:
Here you have Goetic ones if you want to use them: and
here is something which is good to know about Goetic energies:
Egyptian Symbols:
There a lot’s of different symbols at Pinterest:
Symbol is the picture which: OR represent your wish, so it can be photo, picture, your draw OR symbol like King Solomon Pentacles, Goetic Energies, which also hide the invisible force behind the sigil.
Here at SeductionMagicFlow we can share with you part of our Library with Symbols.
It can be used for (all possible purposes):
- Boost attraction levels
- Manifest your wishes
- Attract money and financial opportunities
- Healing, strenght, protection
- and anything you can desire (so seriously)
- Charging any items for anything you want, even remotelly
- With Virtual GodCaster you can get this multiply times faster
After you read the manuals you can easily see or understand that operate any Virtual Machine is so effortless – while it seems that possible manifestation of various wishes are endless – there is still unknown field on unknown endless and exciting usage of these devices. For sure most amazing thing about these virtual devices is that results are very tangible and you gonna to experience them just right after running any trend.
While setting any trend at classical physcial Rad-box – as long as – you think about possible results – you intentionally disturb the energy field of your physical chi-gen – and therefore disturb your running trend.
In case of Virtual Psionic machines – the power is linked and protected against any type of worrying – so even if you have feelings of lack of success – it doesn’t matter – the Powerful Servitor will grant your wishes and you will love that so direct way – like the reality is something like puzzle and you have the key to sort it out.
The most amazing and exciting thing about is that Virtual Psionic Devices are indeed simplified and you know that all these easy things like making coffee are pleasurable becuase you know for 210% what effect will be. The same here.
In our Modern World we have nano-technology or at least huge progress in Physics (for example quantum mechanics) – and at the same time there is huge progress in Magickal Systems – the top team of Magi of XXI closed to AND SeductionMagicFlow made tremendous progress and create this System of different forms of magic – put into one innovation called as “Virtual Psionic” – and here you have FULL blue print of this: “Make your life MAGIC”. Practice makes perfect.
With Virtual Psionics you may experience GREEN LIGHT at downtown when you are on the way – and great synchronizations – just use 3rd Sun Energy (King Solomon).
Power output is far stronger then physical GodCaster. Energy is very subtle.
1. Place your photo on Target Box
2. Put up to 5 Symbols on each of 10 Trend Boxes
and while putting each Symbol say: “It is done”.
THAT’S ALL! Go to your things and be prepared for POWER at your SIDE!
Alternativelly and recommended: Put one double terminated quartz crystal on top of the Target and Trends (11 crystals at all).
Isnt it easy?It is fully automated! Who knows if this is even more simple then making good espresso!
There is not required any fancy rituals or so, just simple and easy!
The power-output is incredibile – most not sensitive people to energy can feel it within first few days and after few weeks is more then enough.
Device is made upon order
Virtual God Caster ULTRA
For order Virtual GodCaster thru our Tinypass payment processor there will be required purchase of six payments via Tinypass (six parts of payments at total sum of above $5799).
If you are interested in this amazing opportunity let us know via below contact form:
Device is made upon order and after receiving it print ONE copy for max power and effectiveness
After purchase you got access to two PDFs – please follow the instruction in the 1st one – which are require for creating the device for you.
If you have any questions – feel free to ask via below Contact Form.
Please do not share these charged PDFs with subtle energies and keep it until you will receive the Digital Image with Virtual Device via Google Drive.
Misc: 27 is the number of main Gods in whole universe, the top 27th God is the Ultimate God. And 9 is the number of God. According to Summerian Tablets, Egyptian Mythology, Golden Ration and Enki Teachings.
All Virtual devices are experimental and at the same time professional magical devices; however there no statements on this site are evaluated by the FDA. None of the Virtual Devices are intended to “diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is your responsibility to assess the viability of alternative treatment processes by research and experimentation.
Become the Human Demi-God
as described in ancient sacred texts.