XtremeCaster 2018 Booster
v.1 and v.2
This is Xtremecaster 2018 Booster – to enhance manifestations with this software as well to remove mind’s blockages. It will accelerate manifestation by many times.
v.1 is made with Angelic Bliss Engine v.7.
v.2 is made with Angelic Bliss Engine v.8.
Each mp3 is for listen as well works as audio talisman.
Energies inside:
1. Manifest my hidden dreams, desires, wishes
2. Focus Ferocity
3. Psi Faith
4. YHWH Grand Manifestation
5. YHWH Psi Abilities
Use it only on your own responsibility and use it wisely.
Version 1:
Version 2:
Or download here v.1 & v.2: XtremeCaster2018_SMF%2527ManifestationBoosterMp3AT_v.1_and_v.2.zip