BJ Power Ultra (Warning)
This is remake made upon request and this time is based upon four videos and use following energies (audio spells):
- Video to MP3
- YHWH I need to Get Laid
Videos are indeed pornographic in nature – the goal is creating maximum of attraction and, of course, increase chances for sexual encounters.
Video (motion) to Mp3 is the very new Energy at SMF—and it’s at this time works only for sexual health themes and topics. The vid-to-mp3 has built-in protection to manifest only positive events, and filter negative energy.
I have checking it thru 1 hour and after that while being at shop I seen that most of women tend to be shy around me, like the sign they take action/first move on their part, also seen some women which looks like true nymphomaniacs 😀
It includes all four videos, recorded in row.
4 MP3s: two for listening and two audio talismans.
Mp3s made with Bliss Engine v.6:
ATs made with Audio Talisman Device v.3 (Love version)
Enhanced versions are with 80x YHWHIneedtoGetLaidSpell Silent4D MP3s to add more power in form of “fuel” for chi suggestions, but also to add this kind of energy, which title indicate- to end user results.
There is dynamic soundtrack, which is required for this kind of MP3s. The Requester said it’s “The music is phenomenal.”
Listening and Audio Talisman usage tips:
1. It can be listened via headphones, earphones, or even through speakers – it’s always better if your listening equipment has HQ Standard.
2. Generally, not recommend using it while sleeping – but indeed you can do it if you want to- the same with using audio talismans while sleeping. Some sexual dreams may appear because of the MP3’s topic and goal.
3. It’s most effective via headphones, but not limited to; earphones/earplugs and speakers are also okay.
4. Another way of listening is to keep playing it -all day and night long-in your room through Speakers – and each time you will be in your room – you will be indirectly infused with the energies of this MP3. It’s like an energy bath – the room is filled with it and just being there your energy body (and while you’re) -is affected by the energy field of your room. If it’s constantly playing – the energy gets stronger over the time – so please be careful to not overpower yourself. The Higher “x” version will give more power and more energy. Low volume is okay.
Please consider using it wisely and on your responsibility. Files are copyrighted and works only for you and your blood-relatives.
Read our Listening Agreement before using these files, and optionally check our FAQ articles.
Files are copyrighted and works well for you and your blood relatives.
After purchase, you can find download links within the PDF files.