Rapid Weight Loss

This is combo of 4 Mp3s: Two are for listening via headphones and there are two Audio Talismans (v.2).

Within is an experiment Mp3 and Audio Talisman and below is detailed description, so you can know what is inside.

Each mp3 and audio talisman include these affirmations:

– my metabolism burn excess of fat *
– my body reduce cellulite *
– my body generate heat (thermogenesis) that removes excess of unhealthy fat *
– internal heat in my organism removes fat tissue in belly area *
– I see clearly goal and feel amazing joy while exercising, love it *
– I have tremendous ambition and motivation to achieve ideal weight *
– I have less appetite for unhealthy foods, I avoid unhealthy junk foods *
– I have increased level of leptin, so I feel full [much often] *
– I am open for raw foods, superfoods, 1 day starvation diet, vegetable and fruit juices, seeds and nuts, quit white flour **
– I intuitively know what to do as it goes with achieving perfect weight **
– I gain important knowledge about successful weight loss **
– by infinite power of my mind I lose weight now – and my weight is ideal in proportion to my growth ***

-* – the suggestions that are repeated often
-** – the suggestions that are repeated less often
-*** – the suggestions that are repeated very often [especially in Experimental mp3 and AT2)

Please take a look at book called as Wheat Belly by William Davis, MD. – which can be helpful (https://www.webmd.com/diet/a-z/wheat-belly-diet-review).

Following 15 Energies (Audio Spells) are in each of four Mp3s:

– Increased Far Burning
– Make Dietary Discipline Enjoyable
– Boycott Junk Food
– Boost Muscle Exercises More Reps
– Help with Completion
– Enthusiasm
– Wisdom and Knowledge
– Soaring Motivation
– Deep Passion
– Release Endorphins
– Reach Life Goal
– Titanic Health
– YHWH Manifestation
– Rabid Willpower
– Change Mind

Description of four Mp3s:

For headphones / speakers

1). RapidWeightLossEnergyMp3.mp3

Made with Bliss Engine v.6 – it is strong from it’s nature. Sensitive people should listen less then 3-4 times per day.

2). RapidWeightLossExperimentalMp3.mp3

Also made with Bliss Engine v.6 but contains 4x of Handsome Man Creator Trance Engine – therefore it’s very, very powerful. Please use it carefully.

Main suggestion here is: – “by infinite power of my mind I lose weight now – and my weight is ideal in proportion to my growth”.

Audio Talismans:

3). RapidWeightLossEnergyAT2.mp3

It has double power and is made with Audio Talisman Device v.2

4). RapidWeightLossExperimentalAT2.mp3

It has also double power and is made with Audio Talisman Device v.2 – please use it carefully, it is very. very strong.

The “Experimental” Mp3 and Audio Talisman include “Facilitating Change 417Hz Frequency”. Also “Experimental” ones are rather for men.

Because this is mind-to-body change mp3s combo – please use it at regular basis for at least 30-60 days. In most cases carrying couple of audio talismans should provide desired effects – while listening it via headphones may induce rapid changes – especially if perform at regular basis.

Please use it carefully and on your own responsibility.

$19 https://dashboard.tinypass.com/download?did=Dieq12c

UPDATE: Version only for women made with Angelic Bliss Engine v.4.

It has the same Audio Spells and the same set of chi suggestions especially focused on weight loss thru the mind power.

It is mp3 for listening and audio talisman at the same time.

$5 https://dashboard.tinypass.com/download?did=Dadgkxk

The specification of new Angelic Bliss Engine v.4:
angelic energies
life changing powers
aura of attractiveness regardless of topic
energy can be active some time after stop using mp3 [effects last longer]
focus module [the chi suggestion have very high precision]
all energies (audio spells) are even more focused and create entire mp3 much more effective by join all parts into one more stable system
to mention these few which are most important.