Alpha Self-Confidence

up to 20,000x

made with Silent Bliss Hypnotic v.2

upon these Audio Spells:

  • Approach Women and Talk to them easily – Liquid Self Confidence with Women – releasing all blocks related for example to fear of rejection, etc. etc. and give motivation mind-set to freely approach women and freely talk to them. With elements of flirting. Also giving attitude that man do not seek for instant sex, and just keep positive, open-minded, flirting, joking, not serious, loose, fluffy talk. (so definitely release blockages in 5th Throat chakra). Unpredictable. Additionally, background idea (second layer): And yes, it also removed fear of rejection – in this way it would be good if this somehow putting on the first place the user, so giving him strong sense of identity, strong personality. And also ability to not taking himself so serious, so able to be flirtatious, free-minded, like Jesus said: “be like those children” which he means: be free, be centered with your heart, not follow by your mind limitations. At least I think there is something in that once user overcome his mental/mind limitation and start to be spontaneous as his heart is, he can talk, joke, and being cocky and funny. Like all those fears of rejections, other negative states goes from mind, negative mental talk, etc.
  • Rabid Will-Power – the will-power of a real alpha male, ability to control unwanted habits (smoking, sex, drinking, etc.), dominant energy. With these elements [not limited to]: – strong, dominant alpha male. Strong enough to break some bad habits, like for example these unfortunate sex cam additions, or any other addiction such as, alcohol, etc. etc., – just these things which happen when the will-power is strong, – [it’s also related to motivation].
  • Remove Fear (Remove phobias, Irrational fears, fear, excessive auspiciousness etc. etc.).
  • Ultimate Legendary Attention – next-level game – with inner deep game. Ability to hide attention, manipulate own attention, attention/energy games (where attention goes their energy is going). Control own attention by will-power and elements of tai-chi/chi-kung. Can be useful for seduction, making women approach the user, as well in direct or internet sales, dealing with people, martial arts, and many other applications, chi kung, etc. etc.
  • Extreme Killer (Spiritual) Confidence with women: Remove tongue-tied regarding women’s beauty.-this one is about removing feeling of tongue-tied – current, many men gets tongue-tied when looking at good-looking women and gets into shy states.The idea is to remove this kind of behavior and turn it into like our soul sees a particular beautiful girl, and even the user will approach her, our soul look directly at your heart not how’s she looked. It optionally can strengthen connection between user (consciousness) and his soul to being as pure and funny, clean as our soul – and to not being intimidated by any smoking hot women. It is learning to connect with own soul and act with open mind (like children). Finally, it is about to remove the feeling of tongue-tied and intimidation in front of absolute hot women, and being able to communicate with them as naturally as with our best friends. It is also about being myself as free and enjoy as my soul, not limited by the matter and my negative mind’s beliefs – children tend to show this, as they are so free and open-minded. Like bring forth my real me from the inside – so any woman, even most beautiful will not mess my confidence, as well no real life situation will not scary me, or so. It is superb confidence based upon getting accession to my soul. Optionally, it can be a slight connection with a Guardian Angel to keep it more safe. Currently, when I wake up the morning my soul speaks to me „don’t drink coffee” and I usually do, it’s an evident witness that my soul have different opinion on many things than my (consciousness). In Enki’s terminology, it’s going like that: 1. Body, matter, consciousness = me. 2. Soul, the Being that lives in body. 3. Guardian Angel. 4. Spiritual Guide. 5. Optionally: Spiritual Guardian. 6. Optionally: Spiritual Teacher. It would be good to connect with all these above to receive killer confidence (indeed not limited by the matter, and mind’s beliefs. Enki said something like that mind is between 1 and 2. Between me and my soul.
  • Being ultra-Dominant and Confident. Very strong-will power. 
  • Being cocky&funny, humorous, excellently witty, and wise. Resourceful. In the presence of women unpredictable, therefore very intrigued. Having replies in mind to everything in any discussion, mastery of conversation with both men as women.
  • Cosmic Power – Awake god within myself. This is important and main idea: To tap into the vast cosmic energies of the universe at will, releasing the God within.-becoming super human, -becoming super strong, -becoming like a god, -awake true potential, -dominate the world, -enter into the 4th Dimension of Time and Space (currently we are moving from 3rd into 4th, Mother Earth and animals are already in 4th, but 99% of people are still in dense 3rd dimension, once enter into 4th Dimension, more possibilities will open. Different Timelines, and control over matter, space.God’s Power Vibes – to activate outstanding powers within…, Enki said once that we have it in our DNA; to awake like a god within., Also to awake Yahweh Within for Endless power and possibilities., Here is an old description to it: 3rd Millennium Gods – according to Enki, God Yahweh would like that humans becomes like Gods, especially after 3rd Millennium, year 3000 is a deadline. This one is becoming god here at beginning of 2000 years, with this: Strong Assertive Self, but keep the natural naivety (which is good) – however completely erase this:gullibility. And being strong power person. With elements of protection.
  • Alcohol Replacement/Simulator for getting its positive side effects: Relaxation, Bravery, Courage, States of Bliss, Trust for Future. And other positive alcohol side effects, especially deep happy relaxation.

Within the package, there are the following “x” power/strength versions:

  • 1000xAlphaConfidence.mp3
  • 100xAlphaConfidence.mp3
  • 10xAlphaConfidence.mp3
  • 12,000xAlphaConfidence.mp3
  • 15xAlphaConfidence.mp3
  • 16,000xAlphaConfidence.mp3
  • 20,000xAlphaConfidence.mp3
  • 2000xAlphaConfidence.mp3
  • 200xAlphaConfidence.mp3
  • 20xAlphaConfidence.mp3
  • 3xAlphaConfidence.mp3
  • 4000xAlphaConfidence.mp3
  • 400xAlphaConfidence.mp3
  • 40xAlphaConfidence.mp3
  • 5xAlphaConfidence.mp3
  • 8000xAlphaConfidence.mp3
  • 800xAlphaConfidence.mp3
  • 80xAlphaConfidence.mp3

To make it works – listen to it in “loop” mode (repeat 1 song) for about 1-2 hours per day at regular basis.

Each file is simultaneously:

  • MP3 for listening via headphones, earphones, speakers
  • AT (Audio Talisman) for use at any drive like microSD cards, phone’s memory, or just pen-drive (stick).

The desired period of using is at least 14-30 days.

Please consider using it wisely and only on your responsibility. Never use it as a Toy. Do not overpower or stress out yourself. Remember about grounding. Drink a lot of water. Do not dehydrate yourself as an effect of too much energy.

Files are copyrighted and work well for you and your blood relatives.

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