
made by Seductionmagicflow & Secret Partner.

Each file is enhanced with Silent Bliss Nature Tree and Angelic Booster, upon the special, channeled audio track for wealth and riches – recorded in Light Language by Secret Partner.

Following wealth energies as audio spells amplify and are encoded within the audio track in form of energy:

  • 2nd-Energy-of-Jupiter
    The Magical Seal for acquiring glory,honors, riches, & tranquility of mind.
  • 4th-Energy-of-Jupiter
    Serves to acquire wealth and honor.
  • Another version of Jupiter for wealth and fame.
  • Another version of Jupiter for wealth and honor.
  • 700ct Wealth Diamond – this is the emiter of energy of powerful wealth and money attraction, the virtual 700 ct gem. extreme Financial success in all ways.
  • Sales Boost – this is for boost physical sales and internet sales, good for those who own business and would like to boost it multiply times. Boost massively sales on all your website & local stores like mad millionaire (both digital and physical)
  • Negative Money Believes Demolisher – this one is for remove negative money beliefs on all levels, mostly in mind, mind-sets. Release Negative Money-Beliefs and Energies (that prevents Target from making more money). This spell, is to release negative money beliefs, energies, and different thoughts, habits, other stuff that making difficult to making money. Additionally it install positive money attraction beliefs, wealth & success ones. It’s like money energy clearing, healing. It also clear from subconscious mind (spirit) some memories, bad contacts with people, experiences and put you on the right track. Generally its for getting rid of all these things from life that are not supporting creating wealth, money success. Eventually it transmutes low vibrations and allow you creating wealth , financial success, being more prosperous.

Following “x” power/strength versions are within the package:

  • 80x-100-k-ifier.mp3
  • 800x-100-k-ifier.mp3
  • 8000x-100-k-ifier.mp3
  • 40x-100-k-ifier.mp3
  • 400x-100-k-ifier.mp3
  • 4000x-100-k-ifier.mp3
  • 20x-100-k-ifier.mp3
  • 200x-100-k-ifier.mp3
  • 2000x-100-k-ifier.mp3
  • 20,000x-100-k-ifier.mp3
  • 16,000x-100-k-ifier.mp3
  • 12,000x-100-k-ifier.mp3
  • 10x-100-k-ifier.mp3
  • 100x-100-k-ifier.mp3
  • 1000x-100-k-ifier.mp3

To make it works – listening it in “loop” mode (repeat 1 song) for about 1-2 hours per day at regular basis.

Each file is at the same time:

  • Mp3 for listening via headphones, earphones, speakers
  • AT (Audio Talisman) for use at any drive like microSD cards, phone’s memory, or just pen-drive (stick).

At beginning it’s recommended to using it everyday, after one month it can be every other day;
ideally is everyday.

Desired period of using (at regular basis) is at least 30-90 days.

Please use it wisely and only on your own responsibility. Never use it as a Toy. Do not overpower or stress out yourself. Remember about grounding. Drink a lots of water. Do not dehydrate yourself as an effect of too much energy.

Pre-relase $59: https://dashboard.tinypass.com/download?did=Dkfftl7 at website it will be $79

(SMF’s preffered pre-release price $59 at website $79)

Files are copyrighted and works well for you and your blood relatives.


Hey filip sign up to paddypower.com betting. I am making 200k with sportbets. You can bet 1000€ and get 11’000 €. I use psychics and radionics to bet now

Also i am making money soon with poker. I make 5000€/day on average. The 100kifier works.

I had my first financial breakthrough with your 100-k-ifier MP3. I manifested a nice amount of money for the first time ever! I have used other people’s financial type subliminals and energy fields, but none of them had worked until your 100-k-ifier product gave my first ever financial success! Bottom line is that the 100-k-ifier product works!

The 100k-fier is great. I think the $79 dollars price is perfect. Anyone that wants to improve their cash flow can afford it. I listen to it everyday. Thanks for making it.

—-Post was edited few times;

The 100-i-ifer’s post was edited three times, in first version the price was set at pre-release $179 and at website $299 or $399,exactly as “guy which provided light language recording” proposed,