Pre Natal Jing, Testosterone, Workout Motivation
MP3s and ATs
made with Bliss Engine v.6 and Hypnotic v.2 each file is at the same time MP3 for listening and Audio Talisman.
These three Audio Spells are within:
- 135. Restore prenatal Jing and Remove psychic/energy vampires, other energetic flukes. This works on internal alchemy to restore prenatal Jing. It also restores internal micro-cosmic orbit and disconnect/delete psychic/energy vampires to get them off from our energy. It often happens, that some psychic/energy vampires (mostly people) draw energy from us, even we don’t meet them in last years, they may remotely suck small amounts of energy, or through the energy ways that they damaged our aura – other people may download/suck our energy. The idea here is to kick them out of our body (consciousness) and mind – to erase any energy leaks, as well finally to help restore prenatal Jing without any problems. [The psychic/energy vampires or their energy/suggestions may stick within the body (consciousness) or within the mind, and their energy may deplete energy of person attacked by them, even after many years, idea it to remove them completely and this way to cut any energy loss, which will guarantee that if restore own pre-natal Jing, there will be not chance to deplete it by invisible energy leaks within the aura and energy body.
- 138. Increase production of Testosterone Safely in perfect harmony with other hormones. Also create an energetic equivalent (energy field of) of Testosterone to make man looks sexually irresistible towards women, and to feel high sex drive and great libido. For some men, it also can be considered as “mood and motivation improvement”, since high libido and sex drive are considered as „force” that push men into action. It also slightly improve sexual health.
- 121. Enjoy Regular Workouts. This is superb motivation to enjoy regular workouts, and to literally beloved exercising, and find the pleasure in exercising, and find the benefits of it, like fixating on exercises and keep the body fit. And that is not about exercising 2x per week. It’s about exercising every day, at least 30 minutes per day even up to 3 hours – apply to different forms of sport from jogging, through yoga, Nordic walking, gym, kung fu, tai chi, or martial arts. Feeling incredible sense of goal and fun – and feeling strong urge to exercising at regular basis.
Following three MP3s (ATs too) are made upon Silent4D Image MP3s:
PreNatalJingTestosteroneWorkoutMotivation(40×3)120x.mp3 (strong)
PreNatalJing 40x Silent4D Image MP3,
Testosterone Silent4D Image MP3 40x
and Workout Motivation Silent4D Image MP3 40x = at total 120x
PreNatalJingTestosteroneWorkoutMotivation(40×6)240x.mp3 (very strong)
PreNatalJing 80x Silent4D Image MP3,
Testosterone Silent4D Image MP3 80x
and Workout Motivation Silent4D Image MP3 80x = at total 240x
PreNatalJingTestosteroneWorkoutMotivation(40×9)360x.mp3 (extra strong)
PreNatalJing 120x Silent4D Image MP3,
Testosterone Silent4D Image MP3 120x
and Workout Motivation Silent4D Image MP3 120x = at total 360x.
It’s programmed with these chi suggestions in two parts:
Part I – Cleansing the Mind:
- I remove from my mind and consciousness heaviness and laziness
- I remove from my mind and consciousness lack of initiative
- I remove from my mind and consciousness powerlessness and resentment
- I remove from my mind and consciousness hesitation and indecision
- I remove from my mind and consciousness hesitation and helplessness
Part II – Positive Programming:
- I have a lot of energy and my pre-natal energy is renewing.
- I am very vital and powerful.
- I have a lot of vigor and youthful energy, flexibility.
- I have powerful testosterone levels.
- I’m sexually attractive.
- My testosterone levels are healthy and I feel good all the time.
- I love exercising, I have powerful motivation for physical exercises.
- I find pleasure from physical exercises.
- I feel great and I love exercise.
The Silent4D Image MP3s has been used as “fuel” to add more power for Chi Suggestions.
Each file is at the same:
- MP3 for listening (headphones, earphones, speakers)
- Audio Talisman
Files are copyrighted and works well for you and your blood-relatives.
Available as COMBO: