Remove Physical Pain Package

This is package of six MP3s (each has different level of power) and it is especially to remove root causes of physical pain.

Made with Angelic Bliss Engine v.7 and upon Silent4D Image MP3 (YHWH Immortality up to 80x)

SMF’s “Removing technique” of unwanted mind’s beliefs related to pain and it’s causes.

Following energies are encoded within each file (in form of audio spells):

  • 2nd Mars
  • Chakra Balancing
  • Immortality and Anti-Aging
  • Digital CDB
  • Heal Heart YVWH and Healthy Blood Pressure
  • No Fear
  • No Guilt
  • Titanic Health
  • Trauma Removal
  • Yahweh Brain and Digestive
  • Yahweh Health
  • Yahweh Immortality version II
  • Total Balance and Grounding
  • Heal Digestive System

And these files are within the package:

  • 01_RemovePain_withoutSilent4DImgMp3s_432Hz.mp3
    Very low power, without Silent4D.
  • 02_RemovePain_1xYHWH-ImmrotalitySilent4DImgMP3_432Hz.mp3
    Include 1x of Silent4D, still not much powerful
  • 03_RemovePain_5xYHWH-ImmrotalitySilent4DImgMP3_432Hz.mp3
    A bit more strong. For sensitive and those a bit less.
  • 04_RemovePain_10xYHWH-ImmrotalitySilent4DImgMP3_432Hz.mp3
    10x of Silent4D. A bit more strong. For sensitive and those a bit less.
  • 05_RemovePain_40xYHWH-ImmrotalitySilent4DImgMP3_432Hz.mp3
    Stronger version, for those who are less sensitive.
  • 06_RemovePain_80xYHWH-ImmrotalitySilent4DImgMP3_432Hz.mp3
    Strong version. For non-sensitive.

Each above MP3 is at the same time for listening and using as Audio Talisman (AT).

These chi suggestions are included (within each file):

  • I am strong, strong and healthy and I am completely fine !!
  • I remove from my mind and consciousness the pain in my shoulder blades / back and its causes.
  • I remove the fear of illness and cancer from my mind and consciousness.
  • I erase all causes of pain from my mind and consciousness.
  • I am removing all illnesses and pain from my mind and consciousness now!
  • I erase any pain and all causes from my mind and consciousness!
  • I remove from my mind and consciousness persistent pain and all its causes!
  • I remove pain and all causes from my mind and consciousness!
  • I remove all pains and their causes from my mind and consciousness now!
  • I am strong strong and healthy now!
  • My body regenerates and rejuvenates now!

Pain Relief in form of six MP3s.

Please use it wisely and only on your own responsibility / at your own risk. Do not stress out yourself. Do not over-listen/over-dose.

Files are copyrighted and works well for you and your blood-relatives.

Limited time $19

Available via healingtools4you:

and (Non EU users) Selz: