Super Alpha Male Creator 432Hz
(Alpha Confidence V2)
made with “Silent Bliss Nature Tree” and enhanced with “Silent Bliss Nature Tree 1000x”
(it includes extra strong versions: up to 1,000,000,000x for non-sensitive to energy).
Following 24 energies have been used to creating it:
- 42. Approach Women and Talk to them easily – Liquid Self Confidence with Women
- 102. Ultimate Legendary Attention – next level game – with inner deep game
- 126. Extreme Killer (Spiritual) Confidence with women
- 39. Being ultra Dominant and Confident. Very strong-will power.
- 101. Being cocky&funny, humorous, excellently witty, and wise
- 64. Alcohol Replacement/Simulator for getting it’s positive side effects
- 4. Extreme Attraction
- 95. Yahweh Immortality and Anti-aging, activate the DNA code responsible for longevity and body self-repair mechanisms. Being always Young (it would be also related to sexuality, as I guess to have fresh mind, being brilliant, etc etc.
- 117. Attract Young Women
- 110. Make women approach me ultra
- 182. Hair Regrow and cure all root causes of hair loss.
- 22. Ejaculation Mastery
- 150. Attract friend woman with benefits
- 8. Immortality
- YHWH Heart Healing and Healthy Blood Pressure
- 46. No fear with women
- 120. Goju-Ruy Karate Do Mastery Powers
- 127. Anti Chakra Congestion
- 134. Extraordinary Luck
- 149. Angelic Charm
- Cell Regeneration Fast Recovery
- 137. Killer Shield with AWE
- 47. Control own emotions, overcome panic, standing strongly on the ground, overcome neediness..
- 139. Remove the need to „explain myself in front of others”
The following files are included:
- 1,000,000,000xSuperAlphaMaleCreator432Hz.mp3
- 1,000,000xSuperAlphaMaleCreator432Hz.mp3
- 10,000,000xSuperAlphaMaleCreator432Hz.mp3
- 10,000xSuperAlphaMaleCreator432Hz.mp3
- 100,000,000xSuperAlphaMaleCreator432Hz.mp3
- 100,000xSuperAlphaMaleCreator432Hz.mp3
- 1000xSuperAlphaMaleCreator432Hz.mp3
- 100xSuperAlphaMaleCreator432Hz.mp3
- 10xSuperAlphaMaleCreator432Hz.mp3
- 1xSuperAlphaMaleCreator432Hz.mp3
- 20,000xSuperAlphaMaleCreator432Hz.mp3
- 2000xSuperAlphaMaleCreator432Hz.mp3
- 250xSuperAlphaMaleCreator432Hz.mp3
- 25xSuperAlphaMaleCreator432Hz.mp3
- 2xSuperAlphaMaleCreator432Hz.mp3
- 30,000xSuperAlphaMaleCreator432Hz.mp3
- 3xSuperAlphaMaleCreator432Hz.mp3
- 40,000xSuperAlphaMaleCreator432Hz.mp3
- 4000xSuperAlphaMaleCreator432Hz.mp3
- 5000xSuperAlphaMaleCreator432Hz.mp3
- 500xSuperAlphaMaleCreator432Hz.mp3
- 50xSuperAlphaMaleCreator432Hz.mp3
- 5xSuperAlphaMaleCreator432Hz.mp3
- 80,000xSuperAlphaMaleCreator432Hz.mp3
To make it works – listening to it in “loop” mode (repeat 1 song, can be at low volume) for about 1-2 hours per day at regular basis
Each file is at the same time:
- Mp3 for listening via headphones, earphones, speakers
- AT (Audio Talisman) for use at any drive like microSD cards, phone’s memory, or just pen-drive (stick).
The desired period of using is at least 14-30 days.
Please consider using it wisely and only on your responsibility (at your own risk). Never use it as a Toy. Do not overpower or stress out yourself. Remember about grounding. Drink a lot of water. Do not dehydrate yourself as an effect of too much energy.
Version “x” above 20,000x are for people who are not sensitive to energy, anyway use it carefully and pay attention to your progress.
Files are copyrighted and works well for you and your blood relatives.
via Etsy (all countries):