Mother’s Wrath

Severely weakens enemies of your family until they’re too weak to fight

Mother’s Wrath is a new XSigil. The main aim of the product is to severely weaken enemies of your family until they’re too weak to fight. It may help you to achieve inner peace and reduce anxiety. You can sleep well because you know that your family is safe, under a protective aura. The aura reflects our thoughts, actions, mental state and the state of our chakras – energy centers.

It is also a subtle space of energy exchange with the environment and a protective cocoon for ourselves. When we are healthy, calm, and joyful, our aura consists of bright colors and high, strong vibrations, and our cocoon has no gaps. Negative energies do not have an impact on us then, often they cannot even sense us. 

Mother’s Wrath not only protects your loved ones, but also makes your enemies weak. It can help you to get rid of negative energy coming from yours and your family enemies. Severely weakness makes your enemies too weak to continue fighting, and they will be slowly let go. It will have a good impact on you, reduce stress, as a result, you can for example focus more on yourself, your passions, life, or interpersonal relations.

  • Restore your inner peace, reduce fear for the safety of your family.

  • Clear negative energy around you caused by evil thoughts of your enemies.

  • Make you and your families enemies weak and because of that – force them to stop fighting.

  • Protective aura and good energy will make you feel more relaxed and help in achieving success in the future.


Now ship in MP4 (video) format. Settings to be carried out, but also the way in the form of a file, e.g., on a pen-drive, any disk or watch as video on your TV, tablet, phone, PC screen.

Legacy type of use: Printed, each subsequent copy shares energy; e.g., two copies, each copy 50%, three copies each 33%, etc.

The sum of all electronic (technically) energy is equal to one.

Don’t share. 

How to use a product:

  1. For sensitive (energy sensitive people) – 5-15 minutes of watching on TV, tablet, PC monitor is sufficient for a day.
    (Absolute minimum is watching it 1 minute per week).
  2. Remember that each printed subsequent copy splits the energy in smaller parts
    (Recommended usage: digital).

We recommend checking our FAQ: success is guaranteed, especially for those who are experiencing positive results from MP3s and ATs charged between 10x up to 20,000x.

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In 99% products like XSigils are effective, the only condition to achieve success is to be energy sensitive enough. Power of XSigils should give the intended results for most people, except the very rare group which is very energy resistance / energy insensitive. To check your limit (in help of SMF’s MP3s), gradually add more files over the time in the form of audio talismans, and find it. You can do it on day one or up to within one week. You can also check by listening to different “x” strength versions of files. Standard XSigil’s power is around 10,000x to 20,000x (relative to MP3 / Audio Talismans), if a person senses any energy between 10,000x to 20,000x, it is guaranteed to work. In rare cases, we can boost XSigil to the M30x, M60x or M90x.

It’s all related to:

  1. Your ability to feel energy at a certain level.
  2. Your ability to see correlation between what you put into your mind and then how it affects your reality (through your mind’s beliefs).

Both are important, and often these two conditions occur together.