Metatron’s Shield
Permanent High Ennochian Spell
Allows you accelerated learning of strange knowledge, create more space around troubling issues, heal time inflicted injuries (mental and physical), seize controls of all interaction, create pervading peace in your living spaces, and ward off hidden stressors
Metatron’s shield is a Permanent High Ennochian Spells whose power is similar to standard Xisigil.
Main features of the product are to create more space around troubling issues, heal time inflicted injuries (mental and physical), seize controls of all interaction, create pervading peace in your living spaces, and ward off hidden stressors and allow you accelerated learning of strange knowledge. It requires the client to perform one simple ritual. It works permanently. You can, but you don’t have to repeat the ritual. Metatron, as the supreme Archangel, fulfills perfectly the role of a mediator between the material and spiritual worlds. It reminds people to respect all the works of the Creator, helps them make good choices and return to the right path. It challenges you to find your means of expression for your soul – your own creativity.
The Archangel Metatron stands at the top of the tree of life – guarding the Sephira Keter (Sephira – emanation of Divine light; Keter – Crown). It is from Keter that all light flows onto the tree, and Keter itself connects our earthly world with divinity. This meaning of the name Metatron indicates his place in the angelic hierarchy. He is the angel of the highest rank. As the Tree of Life indicates, it stands at its top, in a crown. He is the commander-in-chief of good spirits. In The Keys of Enoch, he is described as a garment of living light. You can imagine him as a huge angelic figure, surrounded by lightning and thunder. As Metatron looks directly at the Source, his face shines with a dazzling light.
According to The Keys of Enoch, he is the creator of the outside world. He has his throne and presides over the heavenly tribunal that renders judgments daily. As the Angel of Harmony, he takes care of people so that they can find it in their lives. It helps us evaluate our actions, see the divine values in other beings, and release the power of love. Metatron’s mission is to support life – it helps to recognize the truth and maintain harmony in action. If we want to free ourselves from the trap of a fatal addiction, its support will give us strength to fight it.
Archangel Metatron acts as the chronicler of the Book of Life and all human deeds, no human deed can be hidden from him. Human transgressions may be canceled by him when a person deviates from the path of evil and turns to him for help. Metatron through his “human version” shows us the way here on earth. Archangel Metatron as the highest Archangel, fulfills perfectly the role of a mediator between the material and spiritual world. It reminds people to respect all the works of the Creator, helps them make good choices and return to the right path. It challenges you to find your means of expression for your soul – your creativity. Develop your abilities, go to unknown shores, become a co-creator of life – these are its messages. When Metatron is asked for help, he is always eager to come and bring his grace. When asked, it will help you fight addictions or heal relationships in your environment. If you do not know which Angel to turn to with your concern – ask Metatron for intercession, he will assign the best guardian to the problem.
Under the Metatron’s shield you can achieve inner peace to regain control of your life with the protective aura that will surround you with the archangel, he will watch over you. Along with the peace of the soul, clear your mind, you will be able to open up to new experiences, paths of your life and broaden its horizons. This will help in the absorption of knowledge, not only that known to average people, but also strange knowledge unknown to anyone, thanks to this you will be more “enlightened”; you will become more aware, you will understand your existence as well as the existence of other beings and how the world around you works. This will help you get rid of negative emotions, fear and distance yourself from troubling difficulties. Health is a very valuable thing, according to some people, the most valuable, so you should take care of it to stay in the best condition possible.
People already struggling with inflicted injuries of any kind are constantly looking for something that will relieve their pain or help a healer. This does not only happen in the case of physical but also mental diseases, such people struggle with their own “head” every day to function normally. Thanks to the state of mind you can achieve, it will be easier to get help, regenerate and heal both physical and mental injuries, then you will be able to live peacefully without ever worrying about your health in the future. The shield accelerates the absorption of extraordinary knowledge that is more than known to ordinary people, which will broaden your perspective, help you understand the world and the beings in it. Then you will gain full control over your life, you will take control of all your interactions with the world (your surroundings) and those between people.
The power of your mind will allow you to distance yourself from everyday problems, thanks to the acquired knowledge, you will be able to predict the consequences of your actions and draw conclusions faster. Troublesome matters will not be a big issue for you anymore, you will be able to “push” them away from you so as not to disturb the chakras and not to ruin the peaceful aura. All the features of the providence of the archangel Metatron stabilize your life, help you achieve inner balance and stabilization. Thanks to which your psyche will be healthy. Thanks to which, it will accelerate the process of gaining knowledge. All these powers will change your life for the better and enlighten your mind and soul.
What life’s benefits can you expect?
Allows you accelerated learning of strange knowledge
Create more space around troubling issues
Heal time inflicted injuries (mental and physical)
Seize controls of all interaction
Create pervading peace in your living space and ward off hidden stressors
via Etsy
Permanent High Ennochian Spell is delivered as a digital image/video (formats: JPG/PNG/MP4) programmed to perform a simple ritual to finally achieve certain goals – for which this particular chosen Spell has been is pre-programmed. It is made upon order and is personalized. For creation, your picture, and name are required. We can’t establish energetic connection without picture and name. Delivery via email or via Etsy’s messages.
After receiving, you have to follow simple instructions to complete the ritual. Once it’s done; the spell is permanent. You can repeat the ritual, but it’s not necessary.
High Ennochian Permanent Spells power is closed to 3/4 Standard XSigil (estimated. comparable strength to SMF/HT4Y MP3s varies between 2000x up to 8000x).
Here is full list of all available High Ennochian Spells:
Time of creation takes between 12 up to 30 days. Usually earlier, just some titles require more empowerment and may take a bit long – due to complexity.