Perfect Soulmate Attraction MP3
made with Bliss Engine v.5
This is about attracting the perfect mate – and it is designed only for men. Why? Because there is huge difference between men and women – and making MP3 for one sex is more focused on the goal. If you are a woman, check our audio for Attract Ideal Man. This MP3 is focused on attracting the perfect girl/woman that is energetically, and on all levels, right for the listener. Can it be treated as New Age MP3—because it treats this issue from the Spiritual World view.
The best if you listen to it at regular base – however by just keeping it on your mp3-player/iPhone it works like tiny audio-talisman, indirectly attracting the perfect soulmate, lover.
The audio spells are as follows:
Attract New Love (double Audio Spell)
Attract Partner Audio Spell
A Special Love Audio Spell
1st Venus Audio Spell for bring friendship
2nd Venus Audio Spell for follow your heart and obtaining grace
3rd Venus Audio Spell for attracting love, respect
4th Venus Audio Spell – this forces any person the owner desires to come to him or her
5th Mercury Audio Spell – serves to open doors of any kind, for nothing it encounters can resist or defeat it
5th Venus Audio Spell – excites great passion and desire when shown to another
Sallos Audio Spell –He causeth the Love of Women to Men, and of Men to Women
Sitri Audio Spell (double Audio Spell) – He enflameth men with Women’s love, and Women with Men’s love; and causeth them also to show themselves naked if it be desired
The Affirmations set focused on manifesting a perfect soulmate that is matched to the listener on all levels. You don’t need to worry about her look and physical shape, the affirmations are set that you will enjoy her on all levels; therefore you will like her physical shape and look.
The perfect soulmate is: friend, lover, partner, and the person who helps me realize myself there on the physical (& spiritual) plane.
Listening Tips: 60 minutes per day for 14-30 days – if you see more single women on your way, and you’re still alone please keep listening to it on a regular basis. Also, please take care and try to be somewhere around women – sitting at home and listening to it may not works, or you will listen to it at least 90-120 days and go out from home from time to time – then you can get success with it. However, it is recommended that you go out and give yourself chances to meet new women. Be open for all new possibilities.
It will works also as tiny audio talisman on any of your iPhones/mp3-players.
PerfectSoulmateAttraction.mp3 – 25:10 minutes long – 320kbps – 44Hz – 60.4 MB
Please do not use while driving or operating machines [!!!].
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