The Positive Affirmation Remix version 3.6 –
is most advanced and extreme remix for instant mood change and for attraction of positive niches of reality
UPDATED with Bliss Engine v.3
The mp3 has been updated with powerful Bliss Engine v.3 – it is programmed with Archangels Audio Spells and affirmations. Whole track is additionally charged with High Focus and Precision – for increase affirmations programming.
The following spells has been encoded within this 25 minutes long audio track:
Archangel Azrael Audio Spell – for:
more peace and better understanding of your current situation
possibility of get rid of unwanted energies
healing of your pains or suffering
remove your negative self talk
stop of your daily “worrying”
better understanding of your mind, body and soul.
Archangel Michael Audio Spell – for:
clearing of negative feelings, thoughts and energies
courage and self-esteem
worthiness and sense of goal
becoming more focused
guidance in Spiritual World
better connection to Universe’s Creator
possibility of getting answers for difficult questions
protection here at physical plane
repulse of negative emotions
aura of protection
Archangel Kamael (Camael) Background Audio Spell – for:
more courage
sense of brave
winning attitude
protection against any source, material, spiritual, demonic.
joy and sense of happiness
angelic guidance
Here is list of affirmations and suggestion which has been streamed within this audio – they are supercharged with very High Focus and Precision, therefore the rapid manifestation of these can happen much faster:
I am always optimistic
I aways think in positive way
I find the postive things/sides in everything
My thoughts are always postive
I radiate with infinite positive energy [comparable to bliss state of Krishna]
I always think positivelly even in difficult sitations
I love my life and I have many reasons to do so
My life is amazing and I can’t wait to see what happen next
I feel infinite bliss and joy [comparable to bliss & joy state of Krishna]
I am full of infinite joy
I am completly self-confident
I deeply believe in myself
I love and accept myself
I always make right decisions
I always trust myself
I am always healthy and strong
I attract abundance [in all meanings]
I feel bliss and happiness
I forgive myself
I am resourceful, determined, consistent
I have always a lots of motivation
I love, respect and accept myself
People tend to respect and accept me
People love to be in my presence
I radiate with infinite joy and happiness
I really love myself [!]
I have many valuable friends
I am my the best friend
I have great intuition
Below is the description to the mp3 file (v.3.0) with which current version 3.6 is made.
It is composed with Wall of Majestic Sounds and have very deep sound matrix. It based on simple and short affirmations but remixed in the way – that each affirmation is repeated 640 billions times within whole 25 minutes long mp3.
This mp3 has Trance Engine and it is remixed in many ways – for example it has frequency remix and the base affirmations of this mp3 are additionally made with inDirectSubliminals technique with 6x power.
During listening you can have feeling of something related to your future – the light and positive excitement of something GREAT which is waiting to happen in your near future – these feeling gets stronger when you continue to listen to this mp3.
In special wall of sound – there are installed frequency for General Balance and Spiritual Well-being – it is created especially for creating right and more balanced reality synchronizations. The wall of sound within few minutes of listening to it will put you into “dreamy” or “meditative” state. Listen to it with High Quality headphones and in relaxed state – for the best and optimal result and as well for experiencing “electronic mood booster”. (*For feeling “high” listen 1-3 times in row).
There are some brainwave frequencies related to Alpha state such as 12Hz, 10Hz, 9Hz. By listening to this mp3 you may feel like all things “let go” – and the feeling of positive excitement will become stronger and if continue listening it gets even more stronger.
It is Extreme SMF Remix for Instant Mood change and for release negative thoughts from mind and their energy forms from your energetic system. It can be listen while doing another activities but can not be listen while doing things that require your full attention as driving the car, operating any heavy machinery, etc. Do not listen to it if you have peacemaker or epilepsy. Mp3 contains brainwave, isochronic tones, and rife frequencies, charged Sound Wall, trance engine and inDirectSubliminals.
Listening this recording via earphones will give you access only to energy within this mp3 – but listening to it through HQ headphones will allow you to experience it’s fully with whole programming, special frequencies and tones.
Affirmations used to creating this mp3 are related to: wealth, positive thinking, health and law of attraction – on top of it there is installed updated mp3 with Bliss Engine v3.6

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320kbps audio mp3 file – 57.2 MB
Can’t wait to hear your positive feedback!!!!
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