WAM 2 – Women Approach Me v.2.1 and v.2.2 Mp3s

WAM 2 – Women Approach Me Mp3s

Two mp3s for your ultimate success with women – the effortless seduction!

Made with Bliss Engine v.1 and v.2 – satisfaction guaranteed 100%

This is next superb attraction release after SDCT3 – however it do not include Love Magic Trance Engine. These mp3s are programmed with Bliss Engine and are set up for making women approach you. After success with WAM v.1 – now it’s time for add more power and success at field of attracting new women – it has been never before just simple and effortlessly. Yes, just listen to it at regular basis and you will see that there are more women around interested in you and only you. In both mp3s there are installed powerful love spells and attracting women energies such as 3rd Venus, Zepar, Sitri, Attract New Love Spell, Attract Sex Spell, Being Romantic Spell.

WAM v.2.1. – Affirmations and strong words of power sample list:

  • willingly and hot women approach me

  • attractive women approach me and start conversation with me

  • I attract women for love /or and for sex relationships

  • women want sex with me

  • and more then 8 additional affirmations and strong words of power

Energies that are encoded into v.2.1 sound track:

  • 3rd Venus for attract love, respect, and admiration

  • Attract Sexual Encounters Audio Spell

Version 2.1 is much lighter then v.2.2 and its made with Bliss Engine v.1.

Feedback regarding v.2.1: I saw so many smiles from ladies today and over 2 hours listening yesterday and even one stranger hot girl walked past and smiled and said hello. [by J.]

WAM v.2.2. – Affirmations and strong words of power sample list [are almost the same as v.1.1]:

  • willingly and hot women approach me

  • attractive women approach me and start conversation with me

  • I attract women for love /or and for sex relationships

  • I have manifested love or sex relationship with beautiful woman

  • and more then 10 additional affirmations and strong words of power

Energies that are encoded into v.2.2 sound track:

  • 3rd Venus for attract love, respect, and admiration

  • Attract sexual encounters

  • Attract Love Audio Spell

  • Zepar Audio Spell

  • Sitri Audio Spell

Version 2.2 is pretty strong and its made with Bliss Engine v.2

Feedback regarding v.2.2: it has more power for sure. I feel its going to be great. Yes it does work indeed, the only thing is it makes women fall in love with you and that is not always good if you don’t want them loving you [by J.]

Listening Tips: Listen 30-60 minutes per day for period of 14-30 days for stable results.
You can listen more for faster and stronger effects, like for example before going out to clubs and bars. The effects will get stronger over time if you continue to listen to any of these mp3s – or both of them at least 30 minutes daily. Post your comments or your feedback here: forum/2 or in comments section, I am sure this mp3s will show you what is possible and whats not, also really, after listen to them women just start to approaching you. So, keep yourself good looking and just be approachable for them [take it easy]. When they start conversation try to keep it well and then act as you like, you can take # number or email, whatever you want to. Building good rapport is key to success with women.


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There are two mp3s:
WAM2.1.mp3 – 11:33 minutes long – 320kbps – 44Hz – 27,7MB
WAM2.2.mp3 – 16:54 minutes long – 320kbps – 44Hz – 40,6MB

Mp3s are inside ZIP files, to get access to ZIP file use freeware software like 7Zip.

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