Wealth Gem v.2
permanently charged with Etheric Device including Combat System
Wealth Gem v.2 is charged with different energies for attracting money, wealth and riches. Generally this gem is made upon order – because there are so many wealth attraction energies to choose from and gem can handle up to 3-7 energies. It is important to choose which energy has to be “dominant”. When the gem is charged the 1st energy used in the process is dominant and charging with next energies is just complementary. Of course if gem include less energies – its power is more focused – 3-7 energies to choose is an option. Usually people want more goals at once and that’s after many heavy testing of these gems – such amount of energies is allowed.
Wealth Gem v.1 include also Combat System – which is the integral part of each charged item – it transmutes any negative energies into positive ones – it make an energetic holes and trap the unwanted energies into them. At begining when you use Wealth Gem v.1 – you could feel that you don’t need the Combat System. Anyway after weeks or months of using this gem – it’s natural process that some dark fragments of energies stick to any magical tool – and with the Combat System – the gem is fully protected. So any dark fragments, negative thoughts of others, low vibrations – automatically drawn to the energy holes and are transmuted into positive energy field. It’s similary to Quartz Crystals – when you use them for specific period of time it is recommend to clear them for example with salt – the Combat System automates whole process and keep the magical item constantly clean – and it can be considered as additional benefit – it transmutes negative into positive.
Wealth Gem v.1 can be wear at your neck – there is white/red string attached. You can also keep it in your pocket (left or right) – for affecting or Yin/Yang energy fields and achieving desired effect.
Below is the list of the energies that can be used for charging the Wealth Gem. If you are not sure which energies to choose, just shortly describe what you want, or what is your wealth/money issue/goal and I will after dowsing/contacting with my Spiritual Guides choose the right combination of energies for you:
Bussiness Secrets
Art Success
Business Success
Attract Money
Secure Success
Succeed Effortlessly
Positive Attitude Toward Gamming and Winning
State Lotteries Skills
1st Energy of Jupiter – for acquiring treasure for gaining business
2nd Energy of Jupiter – for acquiring glory,honors, riches, & tranquility of mind.
4th Energy of Jupiter – to acquire wealth and honor.
7th Energy of Jupiter – great power against poverty.
2nd Energy of the Saturn – great value when meeting with adversaries in business or competitions of any kind. It should be carried when looking for work or negotiating any financial contracts.
3rd Energy of the Sun – to attract renown, glory, riches
Archangel Zadkiel (Tzadkiel) -guidance in creating wealth; fortune; royalty; rulership; renown; kingships; improve making money mind-sets; achieve freedom; helps in all matters related to wealth, money, abundance, prosperity
Archangel Uriel – guidance in all earthly things; guidance in financial issues; guidance in making money; guidance in all practical issues of the modern world; help in removing fear and guilt; help with creating self-esteem; help taking care of yourself; help loving and respect your body and mind.
Please do not discouraged by above list – by not knowing what to choose. Each of us is individual and have own uniqe life and have different protection issues. With a little effort we can together choose for you – the right combianation of energies – so Protection Gem will help you and it will help making things better and easier. If for some reason you can’t choose – just write me what’s your wealth goal or issue and I will choose the right energies at no cost. I know these above energies very well; I working with them from years and I will know how to make perfect Wealth Gem for you.
Also please remember that dominant energy will be most strong (about 60%) and other energies are just complementary (40%). It could recommend to use Angelic Energy or 3rd SUN as dominant one. All energies encoded into gem complement each other.
Wealth Gem v.1 is made out the Citrine, one of the best stone for attracting wealth and money.

Citrine Gem has these additional abilities that can be helpful for you besdies of magic programming:
Attract Money, Luck, Protection and Healing
Increase self-esteem
protect from negative energy
increase creativity
increase mental clarity
supports digestive system (especially detoxification)
release stress
creates feeling of peace and can make you calm
defends against negative thoughts and symptoms of seasonal depression
attracts joy and love
Payments: Payzaa or Western Union
Time of production: 3-7 days. Shipping 5-12 days worldwide.
If you are interested in – please kindly send message through below Contact Form and I will send you link to online webpayment.
http://seductionmagicflow.com/contact-us/ (if it not load please refresh the page until you see contact form)