Get Rid of Negative Influence V2
(Combo AT2 and MP3)
- 44 Audio Spells. 120 Silent4D Image Mp3s. If you are sensitive please use it carefully.
- The AT2 is audio talisman. Bliss Engine v.6 is for listening via headphones (can be listen at low volume).
- Both files have All 7 Chakras Cleansing Frequencies.
- Only script is the same as in GetRidofNegativeInfluenceV1 – whole mp3s are build from zero.
- Audio Talisman has small size, so many copies of it can be done.
Hopefully it’s not too strong.
The listening version has like 1x (of course with all 44 audio spells and 120 Silent Image Mp3s) [made with Bliss Engine v.6].
and the Audio Talisman has like 2x more power (it has somehow because of 2nd layer of programming) [made with Audio Talisman Device v.2].
The same affect may appear – after 2-3 days of listening negative feelings or fear may appear – to this day they was hidden under your conscious thinking – and if you will continue listening or using AT2 – they will fall off.
What I could recommend – is to listening during the time of this “removing” mp3 [Get Rid of Negative Influence v.2] -also another mp3 for “install” new mind programs – because this v.2 is mostly about removing – however it’s not required – the removing technique provide relief and clear/free mind; release of negative energies.
Also if you watch/ have observant mind – and look at your reality/life – like see what kind of people you meet on your way – generally, for example at day 1 you mostly meet good looking people, and at the day two you mostly meet good looking and some others that may looks ugly/poor – etc etc –
from this you can conclude about your mind (kind of reverse introspective);
according to this: “outside reality is manifestation of our mind”. After using this Combo you should meet mostly good looking people 🙂
And using this Version2 for a couple of days – you can seen absolutely new reality that could previously hidden – just because of other people’s bad energies, or ideas that impure your mind.
Chi suggestions script going through all seven chakras – with clearing and removing negative and low vibrational energies, attachments, etc etc
These Silent4D Mp3s are mixed into:
- Remove fear and guilt with final energy YHWH Protection
- Mental Game Squared
- YHWH No fear to say No
- Zen Mind
- Remove emotional trauma
- YHWH Protection
Total amount of them in each soundtrack is: 120 (quite a lot)
Here is list of all Audio Spells within:
- Reverse Evil
- Spiritual Protection
- Destroy Plots
- Solve Problems
- Positive Pragmatic Attitude
- Anti-Sorcerers
- Have Army Appear
- 1st Moon
- 2nd Mars
- 2nd Sun
- 3rd Mars
- 3rd Saturn
- 4th Mars
- 4th Moon
- 5th Mercury
- 6th Jupiter
- 6th Mars
- 6th Sun
- 7th Mars
- 7th Saturn
- 7th Sun
- Dark Armada / Repeal Enemies
- Detox mind and body
- Detox chemitrails
- Eradicate Nonsense
- Budda Mind
- YHWH Healing Heart
- YHWH No fear to say No
- Legendary Attention
- Remove limiting beliefs
- No emotional storms / bottle emotions
- No fear
- No guilt
- Self-Control
- Remove trauma
- YHWH Brain and Digestive Healing
- YHWH General Healing
- YHWH Manifestation
- YHWH Protection
- Get control over Time and Space
- Restore Lost Soul Parts
- Total Balance
- Transmute Negative into Positive
- Ability to Re-program mind
I have already copied a few of the AT2 on my memory card and listened to the bliss version.
You are right AT2 is stronger. It feels like fire burning off negativity but positive fire not negative.
Also my heart chakra is more open and I am feeling a lot of gratitude and patience.
The ideal thing would be to use it at regular basis 30-40 days.
Emanuel Daughter go a bit ahead and thinks that full mind re-program takes 3 months.
My discoveries show – it indeed takes about 3-4 weeks sometimes five weeks – but after this time – mind tend to partly back into old patterns as time pass by – probably those ones [beliefs] that are much more deep in subconscious are responsibile for it. I also seen that after 30-40 days – a little rest is okay – and if I see something back to me – it happen mostly in new form but similar to previous – it is good repeat [mind’s re-programming] once again for 30-40 days – however at the second time erasing evil stuff takes much faster and around 7-14 days appear change which is similar to first period of 30-40 days.
This all that you are experiencing I guess is mostly related to these 44 audio spells and the 120 Silent4D Mp3s that are used here as fuel.
Indeed in help of you – I have figure out that if there are Silent4D mp3s used as fuel and about 30-45 audio spells -the effects happen very, very fast – making the mp3 very effective [similarly to the InnerGameVol.2AT3].
But besides this, it is also stuff what I can feel already. As I’m very energy sensitive I can literally ripping bad stuff out of me.
Please use it wisely and on your own responsibility. In most cases at day 1 positive results may appear. Don’t not overpower your self – if you feel too much power make a break between using this powerful combo.
Update to 1000x for non-sensitive to energy
(don’t use it in case you are sensitive to energy)
Within the update there are:
01 ClassicEmpowerment\
02 NewEmpowerment\
01 ClassicEmpowerment include update of Listening version MP3:
- 80xGetRidOfNegativeInfluence_v2_BlissEngineV6.mp3
- 800xGetRidOfNegativeInfluence_v2_BlissEngineV6.mp3
- 5xGetRidOfNegativeInfluence_v2_BlissEngineV6.mp3
- 40xGetRidOfNegativeInfluence_v2_BlissEngineV6.mp3
- 400xGetRidOfNegativeInfluence_v2_BlissEngineV6.mp3
- 3xGetRidOfNegativeInfluence_v2_BlissEngineV6.mp3
- 2xGetRidOfNegativeInfluence_v2_BlissEngineV6.mp3
- 20xGetRidOfNegativeInfluence_v2_BlissEngineV6.mp3
- 200xGetRidOfNegativeInfluence_v2_BlissEngineV6.mp3
- 10xGetRidOfNegativeInfluence_v2_BlissEngineV6.mp3
- 100xGetRidOfNegativeInfluence_v2_BlissEngineV6.mp3
- 1000xGetRidOfNegativeInfluence_v2_BlissEngineV6.mp3
(these are for listen only)
02 NewEmpowerment made with Silent Bliss 25000 VX and powered additionally by energy of Stone Circles, Pyramids and Large Quartz Crystals include:
- 80xGetRidOfNegativeInfluence_v2_BlissEngineV6.mp3
- 80xGetRidOfNegativeInfluence_v2_AT2.mp3
- 800xGetRidOfNegativeInfluence_v2_BlissEngineV6.mp3
- 800xGetRidOfNegativeInfluence_v2_AT2.mp3
- 40xGetRidOfNegativeInfluence_v2_BlissEngineV6.mp3
- 40xGetRidOfNegativeInfluence_v2_AT2.mp3
- 400xGetRidOfNegativeInfluence_v2_BlissEngineV6.mp3
- 400xGetRidOfNegativeInfluence_v2_AT2.mp3
- 20xGetRidOfNegativeInfluence_v2_BlissEngineV6.mp3
- 20xGetRidOfNegativeInfluence_v2_AT2.mp3
- 200xGetRidOfNegativeInfluence_v2_BlissEngineV6.mp3
- 200xGetRidOfNegativeInfluence_v2_AT2.mp3
- 10xGetRidOfNegativeInfluence_v2_BlissEngineV6.mp3
- 10xGetRidOfNegativeInfluence_v2_AT2.mp3
- 100xGetRidOfNegativeInfluence_v2_BlissEngineV6.mp3
- 100xGetRidOfNegativeInfluence_v2_AT2.mp3
- 1000xGetRidOfNegativeInfluence_v2_BlissEngineV6.mp3
- 1000xGetRidOfNegativeInfluence_v2_AT2.mp3
(these can be listen to or use as Audio Talisman, even the BlissEngineV6 version)
All above empowerment MP3s include all original list of Audio Spells and Affirmations.
If you have the original version and want receive the update the only way is to purchase it again with “upgrade discount”. To obtain “upgrade discount” write email to us and mention an email address from which you made purchase, we will send the discount code your way (Contact Form is on HealingTools4You website).

via HealingTools4You