Attract Young Big Booty Women
(21-35yo) MP3s/ATs Package

This is made with new version of Bliss Engine Devices and there are mixed techniques of chi suggestions. There are visualization suggestions, amplify/echo suggestions, asking spirit of Venus for sexual energy and sex-encounter energy, finally already known chi suggestions.

These Audio Spells (Energies into mp3) are encoded within three versions of main tracks:

  • King Solomon’s Venus (attract love)
  • 83. Yahweh, I need Get Laid Spell – manifesting opportunity to get laid as fast as possible. Or finding sexual satisfaction as Yahweh can show another way, across the time, accosts the entire world, or over/on top of other people say or think.
  • 94. Yahweh Sexual Satisfaction & Excitement. General excitement vs. Motivation. Seeing possibilities and fire up motivation to achieve goals. Become master of own motivations. Mix of sexual excitement and general excitement that lead to run into activities – it also attract/affect different parts of the brain, and is related to excited motivation, willingly achieving something, with easy, effortlessly, also with kind of removing or not seeing worrying, complaining, etc etc.
  • 117. Attract Young Women (21-35 years old) -apply for any men, some young women likes older guys, -apply for young men as well, -awesome attraction and build mix of confidence, cocky&funny, or just attitude mix that is attractive to young women or boost attracting them, -synchronizations with young women, -successful sex manifestation with young women, sexual encounter manifestation, -creating aura of youthfulness, that after all transform person which use this energy into younger version of himself both physically as mentally (kind of anti-aging directed on attracting younger women).
  • 150. Attract friend woman with benefits: attract a beautiful, lovely, passionate woman with huge natural boobs for sex or non-binding love relationships.
  • And 15 pictures of attractive, young, big booty women (in form of Audio Spells).

Main tracks have been enhanced by these Silent4D Image Mp3s, these are attached as bonus, in case someone would like to try different approach to the topic. These are also only for listening via headphones/speakers, not works as Audio Talismans.

  • 120xAttractYoungWomen.mp3
  • 120xBigBoobsShortTermRelationship.mp3


There are three main MP3s which are at the same time Audio Talismans (so can be with any drive, phone drive, pen-drive, microSD cards; without listening):

  • V1_BigBooty_120xBigBoobs.mp3
  • V2_BigBooty_120xYoungWomen.mp3
  • V3_BigBooty_mix240x.mp3

Each is enhanced with Silent4D Image Mp3s, for more power.

V1 include this energy: 150. Attract friend woman with benefits (120x)

V2 include this energy: 117. Attract Young Women (120x)

V3 include two above energies in one (240x)

Each of these three versions contains these chi suggestions:

  • I attract beautiful big and young booty women
  • I am manifesting big and young booty women
  • [Visualization mode] – I see young big booty women all around me
  • [Visualization mode] – I kiss and hug with young big booty women
  • [Amplify/ Echo mode] [Visualization mode] – I kiss and hug with many young big booty women
  • [Asking Venus Spirit] for sexual energy of lovemaking
  • [Amplify / Echo mode] [Visualization mode] – Young women with big booty touch and kissing me now

These three V1, V2, V3, – are files for listening (headphones/speakers) and can be used Audio Talismans. 

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