by SMF | Nov 10, 2019 | attract women and wealth, audio talismans, King Solomon energies, Manifestation, mars energies, Social Life, spirituality, success, super faith
AllBeneficialKingSolomonEnergies_upto20, these mp3s and Audio talismans at the same time are made with Silent Bliss Hypnotic v.2 and Angelic Booster and contains 66 Audio Spells (66 because of different versions of sigils). Each mp3/AT include most beneficial...
by SMF | Nov 9, 2019 | ATs Protection, mars energies
Five Mars Energies – Silent Audio Talisman This Audio Talisman based upon first five Mars Energies according to King Solomon’s writings: 1st Energy of Mars – The Talisman for gaining courage, ambition, enthusiasm & all physical accomplishments...