Recent Projects we are engaged in
Magic MP3s & Audio Talismans
Virtual Psionic
Exploration of the 'Unknown' and techniques development
What We Offer
- Magic MP3s and Audio Talismans
- Audio Talismans
- Virtual Psionics and Sigils
- Pendants and Devices
- Spell Service
We are chagrining music with chi energy along with different energies, suggestions and pictures, symbols. Audio soundtracks have high-quality sound and, in numerous instances, additionally improved by:
- Frequencies
- Brainwaves
- Rife Frequencies
- Healing Tones, Chakra Tones
The process of charging soundtracks with chi energy includes:
- Chi Flow Programming
- Audio Spells (see the list of all available energies)
- Encoding Pictures & Symbols
- Trance Engines (triple the power output of any audio)
SMF MP3s are created with the help of supportive devices which add power to each end MP3, video, image (or other files). These recording devices created at SMF through last years:
- Sound Resonance Beta versions (2008-2014)
- Bliss Engine v.1, v.2, v.3, v.5, v.5 ChiR (2015-2017)—standard energy output.
- Bliss Engine v.6 (2016)—hard hitting powerful charged of any audio soundtracks
- Health Engine v.1 (2016) —device for creating health MP3s
- Attraction Engine v.1 (2016) – device for creating attraction, love, relationships MP3s
- Wealth Engine v.1 (2016) – device for creating money, wealth, and riches MP3s
- Silent Bliss Engine Devices, different versions (2016-2021) (modification devices—can be optionally enhanced by all above devices).
- Silent Bliss VRX10000Ultra (2021) (MP3s & Audio Talismans created in help of it can be charged up to M30x)
- Silent Bliss 25000 VX (2021-2022) (MP3s & Audio Talismans created in help of it can be charged up to M30x, M60x, and even M90x)
- Finally: Bliss Engine v.9 (2023) which helps to create MP3s which apply those sensitive as insensitive.
- All future supportive devices and their end effect will apply to all users without endless “x” power/strength files.
The process of creation based on different forms of magic, and it is about strong faith and various invocations. Before creating each MP3, AT, charged file, meditation is required as the part of preparation.
Instead of pen-drive you may use: any drive – that’s from microSD card, SD card, thru smartphone memory, tablet, iphone, etc etc – the only one requirement is to keep it near your body – for activate it. You may keep on your drive as many different audio talismans titles for creating unique on-the-go virtual pendant’s compositions.
The tech is similar to Bliss Engine Mp3s and we have currently build these devices for creating Audio Talismans:
- Audio Talisman Device v.2 – this is hard hitting large device for general purpose as well for money issues as love & attraction.
- Love Audio Talisman Device v.3 – this is about 2-3 more powerful then Audio Talisman Device v.2 and have build-in energies of Extreme Attraction, Women Approach Me and Zepar Energy (known as most exciting attraction energy).
- Silent Audio Talisman Device (modification device – can be optionally enhanced by two above ones).
Any drive with at least 1 copy of any audio talisman radiate with energy which gets activated near human body. When it is away from human body is going like into sleep mode and emanate with similar power to gems (amethyst, citrine) – therefore can be used for room girds. However their main purpose is to compose unique Virtual Pendants from any electronic drive.
Sigils – these are mostly automatic spells – for achieving super life’s goals. Very effective – however for maximum benefits – user has to use them dialy. It’s the same rule as you working over your muscles – as long as you exercises – your muscles becoming greater. However if you use XSigil for minimum recommended period of time – effects can’t be reversed and can be consider as life-changing/permanent.
Custom Virtual Psionics and Sigil. It can be done.
- Xtreme Caster Booster v.2 – can be optimized for topics like: wealth & money, love & attraction, protection – just to mention few. (Device for boost XtremeCaster Software)
- Listening Crystal Device – orgone music enhancer, different version, ehnaced with eXtreme cores v.2
- Different custom made devices
All of these are made upon order.
- Seduction, attraction, love and relationships 80%
- Self improvement, protection, healing, relaxation 62%
- Weath creation, money, riches 54%
Most of them are not subliminals – but just soundtracks programmed with chi-energy:
– (Bliss Engine Mp3s) with chi energy suggestions – this is the process of programming the entire track accordingly to for what suggestions are.
– (Silent Bliss Engine mp3s) silent bliss engine – it’s without chi energy suggestions, it somehow based on charging music track with different energies, like energies for fame or glory. Pure metaphysical energies into mp3. Or just energies take from an picture (in this case it not need to be metaphyscial).
Both kind of mp3s can be enhanced by:
– so called audio spells / energies [it’s just the symbol that representing something – so for example if there is symbol to overcome worrying – it can be named as well as sigil/energy but while creating mp3 during creation process it translate into audio – so from there is name as audio spell].
– so called trance engines – which are different remixes of voice tracks [made by human]
– so called Silent4D Image Mp3s [currently use as new type of trance engines] – which are similar to “audio spells” but include more chi energy.
These three above are like fuel to enhance final audio product – for achieving max results.
Optional things are backgrounds of audio tracks itself like brainwaves, rife frequencies, music [dynamic / slow tempo], etc etc.
Most of mp3s at SMF don’t include classical subliminals recorded by human. Even the chi-energy-suggestions have energetic from, but not human voice or so.
They are not dangerous in any way – 99% of mp3s here at SMF and HT4Y are for creating better world – most of the recording tools are pre-programmed for manifestating only postive output, postive life’s synchronizations.
Even it would seems like something “werid” as it goes with an ancient energies of King Solomon – it’s not.
I can make as well mp3 upon coca-cola symbol and instead of overcoming worrying the person which will listen to it – will attract coca-cola and have life’s synchronizations in time of for example there will be more coca-cola cars on his way, as well people in coca-cola shirts, or as an effect this person would start drinking coca-cola more often.
Yes, it can be consider as white-magic, which is the one that not involving any harm to other people.
Hopefully it’s put some light on SMF and what’s happeing there.
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Frequently Asked Questions
1). Are Bliss Engine Mp3s produces a positive and permanent change? Or are the effects short term?
Bliss Engine Mp3s create permanent change – epsecially when you listen to them thru 30 days or more. Sometimes for almost permanent effect 14 days of listening it enough, however it is recommend to keep listening to them through 30 days [even 40 days].
Also Bliss Engine Mp3s create only positive changes in your mind and body. Even there is possibility to make an “attack” mp3 – but by doing it – it decrease overall positive powers of the Bliss Engine Device. One time I decide that I will be making only positive mp3s – and everytime I use Bliss Engine Device the positive powers accumulate up creating more powerful and more positive energy for mp3s.
According to neuro-pathways theory – when you listen to any Bliss Engine Mp3s – your mind changing – and there is required period of 30-40 days for creating new neuro-pathways of listening to these mp3s – after that time effects become permanent.
Another question that Bliss Engine Mp3s can be considered as “pychoactive” tools – and probably because of enhancment with Audio Spells – effects may happen much faster then with different sort of subliminals. It’s only lead to more powerful changes – if you noticed that something is going your way after listening to these mp3s, even in just 1-3 days period after listening to – please keep using them – only listening on regular basis can guatantee stable and permanent effects.
Can I listen with earphone? I have smartphone. Will playing from it’s speaker effective?
Can I listen with earphones?
Can i use your products with speakers?
Testimonials & Reviews
Yesterday in four on tips I made 223 dollars. No one in the company has ever been able to do that. Also I have received a one hundred dollar bill as a tip. This is the second time this has happened since I been listening to it. But this is by far your best work if your customers take the time to listen to the mp3 in a loop.
I sort of figured out my next move in the game based on the lessons. But a creative personalized system from you could anchor my efforts. Because always it’s very effortless and surprisingly easy with your work . Your Mp3’s reach the core like no other. A very different and natural approach .
Hi Filip, The Xtreme caster Ultra helped me a lot. It not just helped me manifest free education, help me save money, and help me get the job I want, I feel happier and healthier too. I feel incredibly grateful to you for your advice to get this. Now that I am so busy with my new course and new job, I need to purchase your meditation products to remove stress and increase mental power.
The relaxation and stress mp3 should have been charged for its worth. I have a busy lifestyle dealing with people everyday. With a ten minute break, listening to this in loop; I’m even more productive. It even clears my mind of personal problems. Thanks Filip. Can’t wait for what you have next month.
Women Horny – for headphones V.2
After I listened to the version for headphones for one hour yesterday It very subtle energy and empowered in a way I have never felt before. Its like an orgasmic clear and very healthy energetic feel.
Boost sensitivity to any tools
Truly though, I appreciate all of your time and advice. To share what you’ve helped me achieve, after purchasing and using the “enhance” sensitivity program relatively sporadically over the past week, I was skimming through and attempting to mediate on various sigils (Solomon, Goetic, Angelic) and actually got major “shivers”/flushing from Metatron’s cube and some milder, though still noticeable reactions (oddly mainly olfactory) with Dantalion! I’m a “tech” guy and never sensed ANYTHING before!
The advent of cosmic alliances with nature is so futuristic yet ancient . The intelligence of VGC and every single creation from SMF is so powerful that there is this complex interwoven ethereal possibilities that could unfold everyday. A sharp intellect is not really necessary but the forging of my own will takes unprecedented progress towards the strategy and the truth is I’m just a toy for the cosmic forces. VGC and Xsigils are out of this world. No amount of money is equal to the intelligence of people behind SMF and xtrememind . Your initiation with SMF is a gift of this lifetime . Bold statement to life is SMF +
I dont know if this was a coincidence or not
But i think i got my very first result less than 2 hours after listening to the audio talisman for 3 minute
This is what happened :
I tried to download the music and the preview forced the file to be played within the background. I felt joy and sudennly become in the moment.
After downloaded, i decided to buy usb drive near my house to store the audio talisman. I go outside using jacket and short pants
I met 2 girls in the store and one ask me to give my phone number.
Btw, this happened because i played my part too by making the conversation easy and making them laugh.
More Reviews, Testimonials, and Feedbacks from our Awesome Users you may find on our Etsy Store (scroll below products)
Since 2022 we create MP3s that apply to all users regardless of their sensitivity/insensitivity – for example, MP3s made with supportive devices like Bliss Engine v.9 work for all. Future Supportive recording devices will works for all.
How Effective are SMF’s MP3s and Audio Talismans?
It’s all related to:
Your ability to feel energy at certain level.
Your ability to see correlation between what you put into your mind and then how it affects your reality (through your mind’s beliefs).
Both are important.
I seen that people who are especially completely not sensitive (to energy) have encounter issues with “seeing results”.
Anyway, here at SMF we have many MP3s/ATs with different level of power. See on below diagram of Silent Bliss Engine MP3s:
If you would like to try the effectiveness (and different level’s power) of these products, you can check our Freeware section here:
especially this freeware product: SMF’sAscensionFreeware_upto20, under this link:
This way you can check if 20,000x level of strength/power is something for you or now. (Sensitive people, please consider using it wisely), by having it mind that many commercial products have similar power-output to 20,000x. Compare it to the strength of coffee (8000x like one spoon coffee and 20,000x like three spoons coffee).
However if you checked the Ascension20,000x and if you know that the same amount of power is within AlphaConfidence,you can know what to expect (what level of power), just the energy is different, set for something else.
Since February 2019, all downloads which are made (with supportive devices such as Silent Bliss) are up to 20,000x (strength/power). Since 2022 we create MP3s that apply to all users regardless of their sensitivity/insensitivity – for example, MP3s made with supportive devices like Bliss Engine v.9 work for all. Future Supportive recording devices will works for all.
In 2019 For those completely not sensitive, we have created kind of “experimental” MP3s and Audio Talismans, which have power up to 100,000x or even more.
Between 2020 and 2022 some MP3s were made up to M30x, which in compare to 20,000x are very strong.
At the same time if Ascension20,000x works for you, any file that is charged up to 20,000x will works too.
If you don’t feel anything from the 20,000x, another files charged up to 20,000x will also not good for you(in this case see “Experimental ones”, like 100,000,000x)The 20,000x is just an level of power. What is different between separate downloads, is the purpose of energy for what is charged.If you take these specifications from Ascension20,000x:
- 29. Ascension Universal – for achieveing ascension, linked to Ascension Cores in the Universe.
- 77. Tribute to Enki (EA). Unconditional love. Enki love and loved people when firstly arrived to Earth. Do not making and distinctions between people. In love for people do not have any borders, in race or society. At the same he shows respect to people. With this goes love that do not knows any time or space. For love there is needed sincerity, one must be honest. One can’t love for usefulness, for usefulness one can loves horse or cow. In people’s DNA there is encoded love and longing, for this what is in Heaven, for what people was left there. Love people as you would like to beloved. When you do like that, then you show this Energy of Love. People of all races, origins, old and young. must love each other. This is Law of Cosmos. When these conditions will be achieved (by people) can say – it will be peace on earth. There will be no war, no killing, and all these bad things as people do. People must be equal to each other, and accept other Beings (ie orion civilization, sirius, and many other) that live in Cosmos. Accept the Plan of Gods in regards to the planet Earth, believe in that everyone have this element of Gods. When these conditions will be achieved – can be said that: on Earth will happen change. This energy has Enki blessing. To making it more attractive it is charged with extreme money attracting energies.
And compare them to what you are receiving from listening to it,it may bring you see relation / correlation – which is just the ability to “see results” between: “with what you are infuse yourself – you are receiving”.
What’s new at SMF?
- Silent Bliss Engine and it's variations / modifications
- Silent Bliss Engine
- Silent Bliss Hypnosis V1 / Hypnotic V1
- Silent Bliss Hypnosis V2 / Hypnotic V2
- Silent Bliss Energy Subliminal / eventually TTS
- Silent Bliss Knowledge / eBook to Mp3
- Silent Bliss Bach Remedies
Silent Bliss Engine – Description:
It is kind of device for recording mp3 that are for:
- listening via headphones, earphones, speakers
- can be used as Audio Talismans
Silent Bliss Enginel works in two different directions:
- A). Dependently from the mp3/audio – that’s if this is Rife Frequency for [Remove] Candida molds, it somehow add the dimension to this audio, so it will works like AudioTalisman (few or more copies on pen-drive, pen-drvie near body) effect = remove candidia molds by charged frequencies of audio track.
The same if this will be Brainwave with 12Hz, the charged audio talisman will radaite with 12Hz frequencies, putting user of pen-drive into 12Hz resonance. - B). It can be energized by up to 10 Sigils and up to 5 pictures (pictures appear similary to mind’s imagination).
- B1) It’s also trun recorded voice affirmations into audio talismans. So if I take any affirmations or even Keisha Noble mp3 on how to approach women, it will turn her energy/intentions into audio-talisman.
It reacts to the soundtrack. If soundtrack is dynamic it will create dynamic states of mind. If the soundtrack has slow tempo it will be more applicable for meditative states. If soundtrack contains brainwaves – it will support rapid changes of neuro-pathways and it will affect brain accordingly for what brainwave track is.
Some examples: For example if there is voice track like: „I remove this memory xx from my mind” – after Silent Bliss Engine recording process – it will works like audio talisman that will remove memory xx from mind of person which use this audio talismans or listening to an mp3, but not only limited to [energized also by Audio Spells / Energies], [trance engines].
It can be also voice recording with foregin language words and its translation, if used along with learning sigils, it will be as an effect: the accelerating process of learning these words.
Silent Bliss Engine is mostly designed for listening with headphones/speakers – and boost listening experience, to boost soundtracks [brainwaves, rife frequencies, other frequencies, music, affirmations, etc etc]. Each mp3 made with it also works as audio talisman.
If this is audio-book for example about website’s security, and if there are used learning sigils [learning symbols that represents learning skills], the effect will be: learn faster these concepts.
If this is brainwave 10Hz the effect will be achieved faster, like there is energetic dimension.
If this is music song, it would increase it’s listening experiences to maximum.
The best effects will be can be achieved:
- Making multiple copies of certain title
- and listening to this certain title on the same device [mp3-player / smartphone] via headphones
Above guarantee double effect called as synergy.
In the nutshell Silent Bliss Engine is reactive to audio track itself and sigils/pics/energies and can be enhanced by boosters [fuel] [the other variations of Silent Bliss Engine mp3s also can be enhanced by]:
- Bliss Engine v.6 – hard hitting powerful charged of any audio soundtracks
- Health Engine v.1 – device for creating health mp3s
- Attraction Engine v.1 – device for creating attraction, love, relationships mp3s
- Wealth Engine v.1 – device for creating money, wealth and riches mp3s
- Silent Bliss Engine Device (modification device – can be optionally enhanced by all 4 above devices).
- Love Audio Talisman Device v.3
and by:
- Old style Trance Engines
- Silent4D Image Mp3s
Last feature is that the power ouput can be customized from 1x power [lowest possible] up to for example 27x [which is 27x more strong then 1x] and so on.
Alternate version of Silent Bliss Engine for AT (audio talismans) and Mp3s at the same time.
This one is for hypnotic tracks, it realx the mind, induce trance states, for fast mind reprogramming. Can be made upon any mp3, and can hold up to 10 energies (audio spells / symbols that representing something), up to 5 pictures.
It is recommended to user: to use it in safe environment.
Can be build upon any mp3, brainwaves, rife, any sounds, etc. etc.
The idea is to creating deep, lucid hypnosis, hypnotic tracks, that works like real good hypnosis, and can bring fast changes.
1x power gives the level of „hypnosis” power – so if there will be 20x power, the end file would be very hypnotic.
All programming is set for positive manifestations and postive healthy changes in varitety of topics.
Hypnosis 2nd Version – the same as Hynosis 1st but with these:
Very Hypnotic with kind of protection in case if user use it not in quite place, or use it in front of computer where he use his attention – it will not produce in such [not fully safe] environment any negative effects – there is idea to creating also „hypnotic” tracks that will re-programm the end user in such not quite environment – so for example if he use it in public places it and mp3 is made for self-confidence it will boost his confidence and it will bond strongly with user. If he use it in fornt of computer – it would be helpful to change or creating new habits.
Silent Bliss Energy Subliminal is for Charging human Voice tracks, music, sounds or Text-To-Speech generated voice audio and adapting it to used as subliminal (under sound masking track).
After creating charged subliminal and put it under masking soundtrack – it can be overlay with new programming with other Silent Bliss Engine versions or used for classic charging with chi suggestions. It however can be as well used as subliminal as it is.
All programming is set for positive manifestations and postive healthy changes in varitety of topics.
Charged tracks can used as well in “Auidble mode” and at the same time under masking track – for a double programming, that’s subliminal and conscious mind at the same time [for example with specific auto-suggestions brainwaves].
Silent Bliss Knowledge / eBook to Mp3 Audio Talisman & Mp3s for listening at the same time.
Idea is to recording ebooks into mp3s.
For example if you take Carlos Xuma’s book about Alpha Male, and use it instead of “symbols” – the effect will be the transmutation of knowledge into mp3 (in form of intuitive knowledge, but not only). This device can handle up to 10 pages with format A4 – the main effect will be: change own mind/beliefs/reality according to the knowledge in book on choose 10 pages A4.
If this will be book about making money – then it will pick up these ideas. If about seduction the same.
It works as well for listening and at the same time as Audio Talisman.
HOWEVER: It is mostly for creating mp3s/AT upon writen affirmations (writen by hand or computer generated) by along with up to 10 energies (sigils, or symbols energizing the goal] and up to 10 pages A4 of text.
Silent Bliss Bach Remedies for AT and Mp3s at the same time
This one is for making mp3s/orATs based upon pictures/symbols of herbs, gems, plants, medicaments, or alternatively herbs/gems/plants as they are [in paper small bags] – and it focuses expecially on healing abilities of these herbs, plants, etc.
The idea is to creating digital versions of cool herbs like Muira Puama, Catuaba, or even Lemon Balm, etc etc.
2nd idea is to making digitalized versions of some stones, for example Black Tourmaline has purifiying abilities, turn negative into positive, improves sleep, and few others. Digitalized version of Black Tourmaline can gives amazing achievement. Also there are pics on the Internet of some very expensive gems, which are dificult to obtain, and which has some amazing healing and consciousness expanding abilities – the idea to creating digital version of these expensive gems, that would be very appearicated.
It’s not limited healing abilities. Some gems are abilities of opening third eye, some boost will-power, some others improve other things, It create the digital copy of gem, herb, plant, or even medicaments, diagrams (for example serotonin diagram].
It works also with of chemicals diagrams such as Serotonine, Dopamine, or chem diagram of medicaments 🙂
Medicaments, usually chemicals are not good at all. Strong version of AT/Mp3 based on Lemon Balm would works much better then any other anti-depresant, anti-stress.
AND of course – all of these digitalized herb/plants/gems/etc ARE safe for use, it’s very important that they are safe for use.
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