by SMF | Apr 8, 2021 | erotic dreams, lucid dreaming, psychic skills, solve any problem, spirituality, Uncategorized, XSigil
Lucid Dreamer Ennochian XSigil Enter the garden of your mind, direct the story, remember it all -and seek guidance. Visit the amazing world of dreams and master it for many benefits at the least: Conscious lucid dreams projecting in order to achieve more power in the...
by SMF | Nov 9, 2019 | lucid dreaming this is about achieving contact with Spirit Aratron during sleep. There are two versions: 1. AratronLucidDreaming 2. AratronLucidDreamingMediumVersion Audio Spells for version 1: Lucid Dreaming. This one if mixed with other sigils...
by SMF | Nov 9, 2019 | lucid dreaming
The mp3 and at the same time audio talisman for lucid dreaming is done. These mp3s are build upon one energy: Lucid Dreaming. This one if mixed with other sigils (up to 10) or pics (up to 5) will induce conscious vivid lucid dreams – in which user will encounter...